Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 45

Death 33 experience. They are not true. That understanding is a worldly understanding. An embryo never develops without the presence of a life. Prior to that it is like an egg, it remains in a state of dormancy. Questioner: Does life enter the egg of a chicken through a hole? Dadashri: No, that is all worldly thinking. Such statements are written because of inadequate understanding. For the embryo to form multiple evidences are necessary, including time. These are all scientific circumstantial evidences. Life matures during the nine months it lives in the womb. At seven months, it is considered premature; the brain, the limbs and all other organs are inadequately developed. So a baby born at seven months is considered premature because it has not developed fully. And those which are born at eighteen months – they are something else! They have extraordinary brains. Those, which go beyond nine months, have a very highly developed brain. What’s wrong? Did you not know that? Why are you not saying anything? Have you heard the saying, ‘This baby is eighteen months old’? Have you not heard such a saying? They’ll say he is very smart; he would not come out of his mother’s womb – for eighteen months he carried on pompously! Time Between Births Questioner: How long does it take for the soul to leave one body and enter another? Dadashri: No time at all. As it is leaving one body, it is also simultaneously present in another womb. This occurrence is in concurrence with the moment of the union of the sperm and the