Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 48

36 Death of the Self, the Soul. It is the effect of whatever causes that were created. If someone were to give you a lot of respect, you would feel happy and if someone were to insult you, you would become angry. The outward expression of your anger or happiness is not important; it is your internal bhaav (deep inner intent, meditation) that charges or causes new karma, which will then discharge in your next life. The discharge will be in the form of an effect at that time. Your mind, your speech and your body are all an effect. Any suffering or enjoyment experienced during the discharge of an effect, leads to new causes, which in turn will become ‘effective’ in the next life. In this manner, the cycle of ‘cause and effect’, ‘effect and cause’ perpetuates. Causes of new karma can only be stopped in the human life. There is only effect in all other life forms. In human beings there is both causes and effects. When I give you the knowledge of your real Self, Gnan, new causes will stop, and no new effects will occur. Until Then The Wandering Continues… The effective body refers to the three charged batteries of the mind, speech and the body, which create new causes. So in this life, these batteries continue to discharge while simultaneously new batteries are being charged. The Gnani Purush puts a stop to the charging and so only the old ones continue to discharge. After death, the soul enters another womb. Until one becomes Self-realized, it continues to wander from womb to womb. One becomes one with the mind, with the intellect and this is the reason why new causes are created and the worldly life continues over and over again. To become one with the mind and the intellect is to plant a seed in a womb. Lord Krishna has said that as the seeds fall into the womb, the worldly life continues.