DCIS Newsletter June 2017 | Page 3

May News and Highlights from the Principal The second half of Term 3 will see our iGCSE examinations continue for Year 11 and Year 12, Global Campus Trips to Les Martinets in Switzerland and to UNICEF in New York City and DCA’s upcoming Family Sports Day and Primary School Discos Dear DCIS Parents and Guardians, It was brilliant to welcome children back into the school after the half term holiday. As I mentioned in my email before half term term, Term 3a was a busy and productive half term and Term 3b will be very similar. iGCSE examinations continue for Year 11 and 12. We look forward to seeing the results of their hard work in August when the results are released. Many of these students will continue with us as we launch our new Sixth Form provision in August. We are very excited about the interest we have had in our new IBDP programme both inside and outside of school. Congratulations to Harry (Year 3) for winning the 8 and Under for the Global Campus Visual Arts competition. Harry’s picture was judged to be the winner across entries from all 45 NAE schools. His picture will be on the front cover of the soon to be released anthology of writing and visual arts. This is a fantastic achievement for Harry. The UN cookbook is in the final stages of development and we hope to have this published before the end of term. Congratulations and many thanks to all families that contributed to this. Our opportunities to provide additional challenge to students continue. Following the recent visit by four student ambassadors to MIT in Boston, we are starting a school- wide association with this world famous university in the new school year. This will provide us with projects to help stretch students in their problem solving skills. We also have a group of eight students and teachers heading to Switzerland to test themselves against the Swiss Alps. The DCA continue to be an extremely important part of our school life. The AGM is on Tuesday 13 June and we encourage all members of the DCIS community to attend. The DCA Family Sports Day is on Saturday 17 June which will be a fun packed day for all members of the school community. The DCA are also organising the Primary School discos later in the term which I know will be very much enjoyed by the children. Since our sporting season has to fit in with the other international schools in Singapore that run a variety of calendars, our competitions have finished for the academic year. It has been an incredibly successful season with a record number of medals won. The main sporting event left in the school sporting calendar is the Swimming Galas and we look forward to welcoming you to school on the appropriate day (details are in the updated calendar on the website). We are also very excited to be running our first community sport trip early in Term 1 of next school year. The PE department have started a collaboration with ‘Happy Football Cambodia Australia’ (HFCA) a charity formed in 2005, with the purpose of working with disadvantaged youth in Cambodia. The fundraising for this starts with a Yogathon in the first week back to support this important project and will eventually be a trip to Cambodia for a selected students to help support this worthy cause. Best regards, Christopher Short Principal 3