youth endeavors, including the STRIVE high school mentor pro rogram, donatin ing bike helmets for the fi rst-grade sprin ring bike rally, and sponsoring students to participateate in various Rotary leadership programs.
2018-19 officers are: Jake Linder, president; Kim Keithahn, treasurer; and Dori Kimball, secretary.
For more information on Rotary, including how to become a member, visit the website at www. cokatodasselrotary. org, e-mail cdrotaryclub @ gmail. com, or fi nd us on Facebook.
Cokato Finnish-American Historical Society
The Cokato Finnish-American Historical Society( CFAHS) was founded in 1896, to preserve historical buildings and artifacts located at Temperance Corner( north of Cokato on Co. Rd. 3). Our mission is to educate the public, and to provide historical information.
CFAHS has more than 200 members and meets quarterly at the Temperance Hall. The annual meeting takes place in January, and a program and lunch follow the meeting.
The society has two festivals annually; the fi rst is the Saturday before Memorial Day, and the second is in October. During these events, all buildings are open with historical displays, and lunch is served. There is also a bake sale and raffle, plus a historical program at noon. Midsummer is celebrated in June with a historical program and an evening dessert potluck, followed by a bonfi re.
Pikkujoulu( Little Christmas) is celebrated the fi rst Saturday in December with candle-lighting at the cemetery etery in late afternoon, followed by a potluck supper.
All events are open to the public. Memberships are $ 10 for individuals, and $ 15 for couples; and donations help the
society with its preservation and educational efforts. The society offers scholarships to a Finnish language camp.
Anyone interested in joining, or with questions may contact Harvey Barberg, president, at( 320) 286-5823, heidibharveyb @ gmail. com.
Cokato Historical Society
The Cokato Historical Society board of trustees meets the third Thursday of the month at 7 p. m. in the Centennial Room of the library / museum building( except where noted).
The historical society raises funds to support the operation of the award-winning Cokato Museum and Gust Akerlund Photography Studio, a National Register Historic site. They host regular programs and events, publish a quarterly newsletter,“ In the Midst Of,” and provide research services for genealogists or persons interested in local history.
Questions about the historical society, museum, or Akerlund Studio may be directed to the Cokato Museum at( 320) 286-2427, e-mail cokatomuseum @ embarqmail. com, or visit the website: www. cokatomuseum. org; Facebook: Cokato Museum um & Akerlund Photo Studio; and Twitter: @ CokatoMuseum.
Darwin Community Club
The major function of the Darwin Community Club is the Darwin Museum and Souvenier Gift Shop. It is also a supporter of Twine Ball Days, which take place the second Satruday in August in Darwin.
The 2017-18 officers are Chris Hansen, chair; Pat Hansen, vice chair; and Jenny Smith, treasurer.
The Darwin Community Club is alsays looking for new members interested in the welfare of the Darwin area to join
Mike Brandel
Offi cial Guide to Dassel-Cokato 2018-19
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