Dassel-Cokato Community Guide 2018 | Page 34

Offi cial Guide to Dassel-Cokato 2018-19 34 Boy Scouts Scouts of Americ ica Troop 253 It is the mission of of the he Boy he Boy Scouts of America to serve others by helping to in instill v l values in in young p young people ople, and, in other way ays, to prepare them t m to make ke ethical choices over ke ethical choices over their lifetimes in achieving their full potential their lifetimes in achieving their full potential their lifetimes in achieving their full potential their lifetimes in achieving their full potential their lifetimes in achieving their full potential. The values the organization the organization strives to instill are based on those founded strives to instill are based on those founded strives to instill are based on those founded strives to instill are based on those founded in the Scout Oath and Law. e Scout Oath and Law. e Scout Oath and Law. Dassel-Cokato Tro-Cokato Troop 253 welcomes boys ages 11 to 18 op 253 welcomes boys ages 11 to 18 op 253 welcomes boys ages 11 to 18 op 253 welcomes boys ages 11 to 18. There are c There are currently about 20 members who meet urrently about 20 members who meet urrently about 20 members who meet urrently about 20 members who meet urrently about 20 members who meet at 7 p. m. at 7 p. m. the second Mond the second Mond the second Monday, and 6 p. m. and 6 p. m. the fourth Sunday the fourth Sunday the fourth Sunday of the of the month, at St. John month, at St. John month, at St. John’ s Education Cen’ s Education Center. Anyone interested one interested one interested in joining, may contac joining, may contac joining, may contact Troop Scoutmaster Troop Scoutmaster Terry Gabrelcik at Terry Gabrelcik at Terry Gabrelcik at( 320) 286-3288 286-3288. Cokato American Le Cokato American Le Cokato American Legion Post 209 and gion Post 209 and Auxiliary Auxiliary Auxiliary Auxiliary Since its founding Since its founding in in 1919, the American Legion 1919, the American Legion 1919, the American Legion has been an advocate for America been an advocate for America been an advocate for America’ s veterans, a fr terans, a fr terans, a friend of the iend of the US US military, a sponsor sponsor of communi of community-based programs for ty-based programs for ty-based programs for young people, and a spo young people, and a spo young people, and a spokesman for kesman for patriotic values. Nearly triotic values. Nearly 2.8 million 2.8 million members make it members make it members make it the nation the nation’ s largest veterans group, with about 15,000 local posts in most communi group, with about 15,000 local posts in most communi group, with about 15,000 local posts in most communi group, with about 15,000 local posts in most communi group, with about 15,000 local posts in most communities and six fo and six foreign countries. Membership is reign countries. Membership is reign countries. Membership is reign countries. Membership is restricted to men restricted to men and w and women who served in the U who served in the U who served in the US military during an official period of confl period of confl period of confl period of confl ict. Cokato Post 209 was also found Cokato Post 209 was also found Cokato Post 209 was also found Cokato Post 209 was also found Cokato Post 209 was also found Cokato Post 209 was also found Cokato Post 209 was also founded in 1919, and meets in the back room of city hall the th the back room of city hall the th the back room of city hall the th the back room of city hall the th the back room of city hall the th the back room of city hall the th the back room of city hall the third Monday of the month ird Monday of the month at 7 p. m., except in March at 7 p. m., except in March at 7 p. m., except in March at 7 p. m., except in March at 7 p. m., except in March and December, when there are and December, when there are and December, when there are potl potl potluck dinners at the city hall at 6:30 p. m. In July there is uck dinners at the city hall at 6:30 p. m. In July there is uck dinners at the city hall at 6:30 p. m. In July there is uck dinners at the city hall at 6:30 p. m. In July there is uck dinners at the city hall at 6:30 p. m. In July there is uck dinners at the city hall at 6:30 p. m. In July there is uck dinners at the city hall at 6:30 p. m. In July there is uck dinners at the city hall at 6:30 p. m. In July there is no meeting. no meeting. no meeting. no meeting. Currently, there are 64 members, and new members are Currently, there are 64 members, and new members are Currently, there are 64 members, and new members are Currently, there are 64 members, and new members are Currently, there are 64 members, and new members are Currently, there are 64 members, and new members are Currently, there are 64 members, and new members are Currently, there are 64 members, and new members are Currently, there are 64 members, and new members are Currently, there are 64 members, and new members are always welcome. Contact Commander John Hilker at( 320) always welcome. Contact Commander John Hilker at( 320) always welcome. Contact Commander John Hilker at( 320) always welcome. Contact Commander John Hilker at( 320) always welcome. Contact Commander John Hilker at( 320) always welcome. Contact Commander John Hilker at( 320) always welcome. Contact Commander John Hilker at( 320) always welcome. Contact Commander John Hilker at( 320) always welcome. Contact Commander John Hilker at( 320) always welcome. Contact Commander John Hilker at( 320) 286-3203 for membership information. 286-3203 for membership information. 286-3203 for membership information. 286-3203 for membership information. 286-3203 for membership information. 286-3203 for membership information. 286-3203 for membership information. 286-3203 for membership information. The Cokato American Legion Post 209 Auxiliary also The Cokato American Legion Post 209 Auxiliary also The Cokato American Legion Post 209 Auxiliary also The Cokato American Legion Post 209 Auxiliary also The Cokato American Legion Post 209 Auxiliary also The Cokato American Legion Post 209 Auxiliary also The Cokato American Legion Post 209 Auxiliary also The Cokato American Legion Post 209 Auxiliary also The Cokato American Legion Post 209 Auxiliary also meets the third Monday of the month at 7 p. m. in the back meets the third Monday of the month at 7 p. m. in the back meets the third Monday of the month at 7 p. m. in the back meets the third Monday of the month at 7 p. m. in the back meets the third Monday of the month at 7 p. m. in the back meets the third Monday of the month at 7 p. m. in the back meets the third Monday of the month at 7 p. m. in the back meets the third Monday of the month at 7 p. m. in the back room of the city hall. Membership is open to anyone whose room of the city hall. Membership is open to anyone whose room of the city hall. Membership is open to anyone whose room of the city hall. Membership is open to anyone whose room of the city hall. Membership is open to anyone whose room of the city hall. Membership is open to anyone whose room of the city hall. Membership is open to anyone whose room of the city hall. Membership is open to anyone whose room of the city hall. Membership is open to anyone whose spouse or other family or other family or other family member has served, or is currently member has served, or is currently member has served, or is currently member has served, or is currently member has served, or is currently member has served, or is currently serving in the serving in the milita military. New members are always welcome. ew members are always welcome. ew members are always welcome. ew members are always welcome. ew members are always welcome. Contact Charlotte Paulson( 320) 286-2262 for membership Contact Charlotte Paulson( 320) 286-2262 for membership Contact Charlotte Paulson( 320) 286-2262 for membership Contact Charlotte Paulson( 320) 286-2262 for membership Contact Charlotte Paulson( 320) 286-2262 for membership Contact Charlotte Paulson( 320) 286-2262 for membership Contact Charlotte Paulson( 320) 286-2262 for membership Contact Charlotte Paulson( 320) 286-2262 for membership information. information. Cokato Cokato Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce The Cokato Chamber of Commerce meets the fi rst The Cokato Chamber of Commerce meets the fi rst The Cokato Chamber of Commerce meets the fi rst The Cokato Chamber of Commerce meets the fi rst The Cokato Chamber of Commerce meets the fi rst Tuesday of every month at noon at Cokato City Hall. The Tuesday of every month at noon at Cokato City Hall. The Tuesday of every month at noon at Cokato City Hall. The Tuesday of every month at noon at Cokato City Hall. The Tuesday of every month at noon at Cokato City Hall. The Tuesday of every month at noon at Cokato City Hall. The Tuesday of every month at noon at Cokato City Hall. The Tuesday of every month at noon at Cokato City Hall. The Cokato Chamber is a voluntary association of business Cokato Chamber is a voluntary association of business Cokato Chamber is a voluntary association of business Cokato Chamber is a voluntary association of business Cokato Chamber is a voluntary association of business Cokato Chamber is a voluntary association of business Cokato Chamber is a voluntary association of business people working to improve the economic and civic vitality people working to improve the economic and civic vitality people working to improve the economic and civic vitality people working to improve the economic and civic vitality people working to improve the economic and civic vitality people working to improve the economic and civic vitality people working to improve the economic and civic vitality of both their own business / organization and the community of both their own business / organization and the community of both their own business / organization and the community of both their own business / organization and the community of both their own business / organization and the community of both their own business / organization and the community of both their own business / organization and the community at large. at large. Officers for 2018 Officers for 2018 Officers for 2018 Officers for 2018 Officers for 2018 are are Paulie Johnson, president; Chris Paulie Johnson, president; Chris Paulie Johnson, president; Chris Paulie Johnson, president; Chris Klieman, vice president; Jarod Sebring, treasurer; Mitch Klieman, vice president; Jarod Sebring, treasurer; Mitch Klieman, vice president; Jarod Sebring, treasurer; Mitch Klieman, vice president; Jarod Sebring, treasurer; Mitch Klieman, vice president; Jarod Sebring, treasurer; Mitch Klieman, vice president; Jarod Sebring, treasurer; Mitch Klieman, vice president; Jarod Sebring, treasurer; Mitch Klieman, vice president; Jarod Sebring, treasurer; Mitch Klieman, vice president; Jarod Sebring, treasurer; Mitch Klieman, vice president; Jarod Sebring, treasurer; Mitch Simmons, past president; and LouAnn Worden, executive Simmons, past president; and LouAnn Worden, executive Simmons, past president; and LouAnn Worden, executive Simmons, past president; and LouAnn Worden, executive Simmons, past president; and LouAnn Worden, executive Simmons, past president; and LouAnn Worden, executive Simmons, past president; and LouAnn Worden, executive Simmons, past president; and LouAnn Worden, executive Simmons, past president; and LouAnn Worden, executive Simmons, past president; and LouAnn Worden, executive secretary. secretary. For information, contact Worden at( 320) 286-5505 or For information, contact Worden at( 320) 286-5505 or For information, contact Worden at( 320) 286-5505 or For information, contact Worden at( 320) 286-5505 or For information, contact Worden at( 320) 286-5505 or For information, contact Worden at( 320) 286-5505 or For information, contact Worden at( 320) 286-5505 or For information, contact Worden at( 320) 286-5505 or lworden @ cokato. mn. us. lworden @ cokato. mn. us. lworden @ cokato. mn. us. lworden @ cokato. mn. us. Questions may be directed to LouAnn at Cokato City Questions may be directed to LouAnn at Cokato City Questions may be directed to LouAnn at Cokato City Questions may be directed to LouAnn at Cokato City Questions may be directed to LouAnn at Cokato City Questions may be directed to LouAnn at Cokato City Questions may be directed to LouAnn at Cokato City Hall,( 320) 286-5505. Hall,( 320) 286-5505. Hall,( 320) 286-5505. Hall,( 320) 286-5505. Cokato Community Chest ommunity Chest ommunity Chest The Cokato Community Chest was founded in 1954, The Cokato Community Chest was founded in 1954, The Cokato Community Chest was founded in 1954, The Cokato Community Chest was founded in 1954, The Cokato Community Chest was founded in 1954, The Cokato Community Chest was founded in 1954, to be to be to be to be a team of re a team of re a team of representatives for presentatives for presentatives for city organization city organization city organizations that conduct s that conduct s that conduct one citywide fundraiser one citywide fundraiser one citywide fundraiser one citywide fundraiser per year on Columbus Day. The per year on Columbus Day. The per year on Columbus Day. The per year on Columbus Day. The per year on Columbus Day. The board of directors then div board of directors then div board of directors then div board of directors then divides the fund the funds among the social s among the social s among the social s among the social agencies, agencies, local, local, and state and state who have re who have requested fund uested funds. Because s. Because the there is an organ re is an organ re is an organization such as the ization such as the ization such as the community chest, there community chest, there community chest, there community chest, there is only one is only one is only one is only one is only one do door-to-door camp or-to-door camp or-to-door campaign per year, aign per year, in October. in October. The organi The organi The organi The organizers me zers me zers me zers meet at the C at the Cokato City Hall in the to City Hall in the to City Hall in the spring and fall. Officers include Butch Paulson, president; spring and fall. Officers include Butch Paulson, president; spring and fall. Officers include Butch Paulson, president; spring and fall. Officers include Butch Paulson, president; spring and fall. Officers include Butch Paulson, president; spring and fall. Officers include Butch Paulson, president; spring and fall. Officers include Butch Paulson, president; spring and fall. Officers include Butch Paulson, president; spring and fall. Officers include Butch Paulson, president; Joe Harmala, vice president; Margaret Salo, secretary; and Joe Harmala, vice president; Margaret Salo, secretary; and Joe Harmala, vice president; Margaret Salo, secretary; and Joe Harmala, vice president; Margaret Salo, secretary; and Joe Harmala, vice president; Margaret Salo, secretary; and Joe Harmala, vice president; Margaret Salo, secretary; and Joe Harmala, vice president; Margaret Salo, secretary; and Joe Harmala, vice president; Margaret Salo, secretary; and Joe Harmala, vice president; Margaret Salo, secretary; and Joe Harmala, vice president; Margaret Salo, secretary; and Susie Keskey, tre treasurer. Anyone interested in jo asurer. Anyone interested in jo asurer. Anyone interested in jo asurer. Anyone interested in jo asurer. Anyone interested in jo asurer. Anyone interested in joining, ining, may may contact any of the officers l f the officers l f the officers l f the officers l f the officers listed. isted. Cokato Cub Scouts Cokato Cub Scouts Cokato Cub Scouts The purpose of the Cub Scouts is to provide educational The purpose of the Cub Scouts is to provide educational The purpose of the Cub Scouts is to provide educational The purpose of the Cub Scouts is to provide educational The purpose of the Cub Scouts is to provide educational The purpose of the Cub Scouts is to provide educational The purpose of the Cub Scouts is to provide educational and recreational activities for kindergarten through fi fthand recreational activities for kindergarten through fi fthand recreational activities for kindergarten through fi fthand recreational activities for kindergarten through fi fthand recreational activities for kindergarten through fi fthand recreational activities for kindergarten through fi fthgrade boys. There is a focus on citizenship, as well as learning grade boys. There is a focus on citizenship, as well as learning grade boys. There is a focus on citizenship, as well as learning grade boys. There is a focus on citizenship, as well as learning grade boys. There is a focus on citizenship, as well as learning grade boys. There is a focus on citizenship, as well as learning grade boys. There is a focus on citizenship, as well as learning skills that the boys will use throughout life. skills that the boys will use throughout life. skills that the boys will use throughout life. skills that the boys will use throughout life. skills that the boys will use throughout life. skills that the boys will use throughout life. The pack is made up of boys in kindergarten to fi fth grade. The pack is made up of boys in kindergarten to fi fth grade. The pack is made up of boys in kindergarten to fi fth grade. The pack is made up of boys in kindergarten to fi fth grade. The pack is made up of boys in kindergarten to fi fth grade. The pack is made up of boys in kindergarten to fi fth grade. The pack is made up of boys in kindergarten to fi fth grade. The pack is made up of boys in kindergarten to fi fth grade. A monthly meeting of the full pack takes place, and this A monthly meeting of the full pack takes place, and this A monthly meeting of the full pack takes place, and this A monthly meeting of the full pack takes place, and this A monthly meeting of the full pack takes place, and this A monthly meeting of the full pack takes place, and this A monthly meeting of the full pack takes place, and this includes a fl ag ceremony, a lesson, and, of course, a snack. includes a fl ag ceremony, a lesson, and, of course, a snack. includes a fl ag ceremony, a lesson, and, of course, a snack. includes a fl ag ceremony, a lesson, and, of course, a snack. includes a fl ag ceremony, a lesson, and, of course, a snack. includes a fl ag ceremony, a lesson, and, of course, a snack. includes a fl ag ceremony, a lesson, and, of course, a snack. Each grade level is known as a den, and also meets Each grade level is known as a den, and also meets Each grade level is known as a den, and also meets Each grade level is known as a den, and also meets Each grade level is known as a den, and also meets Each grade level is known as a den, and also meets Each grade level is known as a den, and also meets Each grade level is known as a den, and also meets monthly where they learn things in their own group that monthly where they learn things in their own group that monthly where they learn things in their own group that monthly where they learn things in their own group that monthly where they learn things in their own group that monthly where they learn things in their own group that monthly where they learn things in their own group that monthly where they learn things in their own group that monthly where they learn things in their own group that are age-appropriate. Some of the great projects the Scouts are age-appropriate. Some of the great projects the Scouts are age-appropriate. Some of the great projects the Scouts are age-appropriate. Some of the great projects the Scouts are age-appropriate. Some of the great projects the Scouts are age-appropriate. Some of the great projects the Scouts are age-appropriate. Some of the great projects the Scouts are age-appropriate. Some of the great projects the Scouts do each year are the pinewood derby, building and fi ring do each year are the pinewood derby, building and fi ring do each year are the pinewood derby, building and fi ring do each year are the pinewood derby, building and fi ring do each year are the pinewood derby, building and fi ring do each year are the pinewood derby, building and fi ring do each year are the pinewood derby, building and fi ring do each year are the pinewood derby, building and fi ring rockets, and camping. rockets, and camping. rockets, and camping. rockets, and camping. rockets, and camping. rockets, and camping. This is great preparation for boys to be prepared for Boy This is great preparation for boys to be prepared for Boy This is great preparation for boys to be prepared for Boy This is great preparation for boys to be prepared for Boy This is great preparation for boys to be prepared for Boy This is great preparation for boys to be prepared for Boy This is great preparation for boys to be prepared for Boy This is great preparation for boys to be prepared for Boy This is great preparation for boys to be prepared for Boy This is great preparation for boys to be prepared for Boy Scouts, and is also a wonderful way to prepare them for the Scouts, and is also a wonderful way to prepare them for the Scouts, and is also a wonderful way to prepare them for the Scouts, and is also a wonderful way to prepare them for the Scouts, and is also a wonderful way to prepare them for the Scouts, and is also a wonderful way to prepare them for the Scouts, and is also a wonderful way to prepare them for the Scouts, and is also a wonderful way to prepare them for the Scouts, and is also a wonderful way to prepare them for the Scouts, and is also a wonderful way to prepare them for the Scouts, and is also a wonderful way to prepare them for the challenges of the world. challenges of the world. The Scouts also do community service projects, and are The Scouts also do community service projects, and are The Scouts also do community service projects, and are The Scouts also do community service projects, and are The Scouts also do community service projects, and are The Scouts also do community service projects, and are The Scouts also do community service projects, and are The Scouts also do community service projects, and are The Scouts also do community service projects, and are sponsored by the American Legion. sponsored by the American Legion. sponsored by the American Legion. There is fall recruitment, and information is handed out There is fall recruitment, and information is handed out There is fall recruitment, and information is handed out There is fall recruitment, and information is handed out There is fall recruitment, and information is handed out There is fall recruitment, and information is handed out There is fall recruitment, and information is handed out at the elementary school. at the elementary school. Contact Cub Master Terry Spurzem at( 320) 286-4477 for Contact Cub Master Terry Spurzem at( 320) 286-4477 for Contact Cub Master Terry Spurzem at( 320) 286-4477 for Contact Cub Master Terry Spurzem at( 320) 286-4477 for Contact Cub Master Terry Spurzem at( 320) 286-4477 for Contact Cub Master Terry Spurzem at( 320) 286-4477 for Contact Cub Master Terry Spurzem at( 320) 286-4477 for any questions about Scouts. any questions about Scouts. Cokato-Dassel Lions Club Cokato-Dassel Lions Club Cokato-Dassel Lions Club Cokato-Dassel Lions Club Cokato-Dassel Lions Club The Cokato-Dassel Lions are a service-driven organization e Cokato-Dassel Lions are a service-driven organization e Cokato-Dassel Lions are a service-driven organization e Cokato-Dassel Lions are a service-driven organization e Cokato-Dassel Lions are a service-driven organization e Cokato-Dassel Lions are a service-driven organization serving both Cokato and Dassel communities. Part of the serving both Cokato and Dassel communities. Part of the serving both Cokato and Dassel communities. Part of the serving both Cokato and Dassel communities. Part of the serving both Cokato and Dassel communities. Part of the serving both Cokato and Dassel communities. Part of the largest civic organization in the world, the Lions’ motto is largest civic organization in the world, the Lions’ motto is largest civic organization in the world, the Lions’ motto is largest civic organization in the world, the Lions’ motto is largest civic organization in the world, the Lions’ motto is largest civic organization in the world, the Lions’ motto is“ We Serve.” There currently are 36 members, who meet“ We Serve.” There currently are 36 members, who meet“ We Serve.” There currently are 36 members, who meet“ We Serve.” There currently are 36 members, who meet“ We Serve.” There currently are 36 members, who meet“ We Serve.” There currently are 36 members, who meet two times a month. The fi rst Monday of each month is the two times a month. The fi rst Monday of each month is the two times a month. The fi rst Monday of each month is the two times a month. The fi rst Monday of each month is the two times a month. The fi rst Monday of each month is the two times a month. The fi rst Monday of each month is the two times a month. The fi rst Monday of each month is the social meeting( at the Dassel History Center), and the third social meeting( at the Dassel History Center), and the third social meeting( at the Dassel History Center), and the third social meeting( at the Dassel History Center), and the third social meeting( at the Dassel History Center), and the third social meeting( at the Dassel History Center), and the third Tuesday of each month is the business meeting. Tuesday of each month is the business meeting. Tuesday of each month is the business meeting. Tuesday of each month is the business meeting. Tuesday of each month is the business meeting. Tuesday of each month is the business meeting. Some of the annual events include the Silent Santa Some of the annual events include the Silent Santa Some of the annual events include the Silent Santa Some of the annual events include the Silent Santa Some of the annual events include the Silent Santa program, DC High School Scholarship participation, the program, DC High School Scholarship participation, the program, DC High School Scholarship participation, the program, DC High School Scholarship participation, the program, DC High School Scholarship participation, the Spring Pork Chop Dinner, the pork chop stand at the Corn Spring Pork Chop Dinner, the pork chop stand at the Corn Spring Pork Chop Dinner, the pork chop stand at the Corn Spring Pork Chop Dinner, the pork chop stand at the Corn Spring Pork Chop Dinner, the pork chop stand at the Corn Carnival, and supporting citizens through random-acts-of- Carnival, and supporting citizens through random-acts-of- Carnival, and supporting citizens through random-acts-of- Carnival, and supporting citizens through random-acts-of- Carnival, and supporting citizens through random-acts-ofkindness. kindness. Current officers are: President Gordy Erickson, Secretary Current officers are: President Gordy Erickson, Secretary Current officers are: President Gordy Erickson, Secretary Current officers are: President Gordy Erickson, Secretary Current officers are: President Gordy Erickson, Secretary Paulie Johnson, and Treasurer Mike Lhotka. Paulie Johnson, and Treasurer Mike Lhotka. Paulie Johnson, and Treasurer Mike Lhotka. Paulie Johnson, and Treasurer Mike Lhotka. Paulie Johnson, and Treasurer Mike Lhotka. For more information, contact information, contact information, contact any me any member or visit r visit our Facebook our Facebook page, Cokato-Dassel Lions Club. page, Cokato-Dassel Lions Club. page, Cokato-Dassel Lions Club. page, Cokato-Dassel Lions Club. Cokato-Dassel Rotary Club Cokato-Dassel Rotary Club Cokato-Dassel Rotary Club Cokato-Dassel Rotary Club The Cokato-Dassel Rotary Club was organized in 1960, The Cokato-Dassel Rotary Club was organized in 1960, The Cokato-Dassel Rotary Club was organized in 1960, The Cokato-Dassel Rotary Club was organized in 1960, The Cokato-Dassel Rotary Club was organized in 1960, The Cokato-Dassel Rotary Club was organized in 1960, The Cokato-Dassel Rotary Club was organized in 1960, with 22 charter members. Currently, there are 28 members with 22 charter members. Currently, there are 28 members with 22 charter members. Currently, there are 28 members with 22 charter members. Currently, there are 28 members with 22 charter members. Currently, there are 28 members with 22 charter members. Currently, there are 28 members with 22 charter members. Currently, there are 28 members who believe in Rotary International’ s motto,“ Service above who believe in Rotary International’ s motto,“ Service above who believe in Rotary International’ s motto,“ Service above who believe in Rotary International’ s motto,“ Service above who believe in Rotary International’ s motto,“ Service above who believe in Rotary International’ s motto,“ Service above who believe in Rotary International’ s motto,“ Service above who believe in Rotary International’ s motto,“ Service above self,” and its Four-Way Test of ethical standards. self,” and its Four-Way Test of ethical standards. self,” and its Four-Way Test of ethical standards. self,” and its Four-Way Test of ethical standards. self,” and its Four-Way Test of ethical standards. self,” and its Four-Way Test of ethical standards. The club meets every Thursday at noon for lunch and a The club meets every Thursday at noon for lunch and a The club meets every Thursday at noon for lunch and a The club meets every Thursday at noon for lunch and a The club meets every Thursday at noon for lunch and a The club meets every Thursday at noon for lunch and a program at Cokato City Hall. program at Cokato City Hall. program at Cokato City Hall. As a service organization, the club participates in several As a service organization, the club participates in several As a service organization, the club participates in several As a service organization, the club participates in several As a service organization, the club participates in several As a service organization, the club participates in several As a service organization, the club participates in several Area Organizations