Dassel-Cokato Community Guide 2018 | Page 36

Offi cial Guide to Dassel-Cokato 2018-19 36 act any ny of the its ts team. Anyo yo yo yo yon yone interested in joining may ay contact officers. Dar arwin Lion on ons C s Club The he Darwin Lion ons Club has approximately 40 m 0 members. The clu lub meets the fi rs fi rst Mon Monday of every month at the Darwin Rod and Gu nd Gun Club. Th Through ughout the year, the club supports ub supports international international Lions Club Lions Club Lions Club Lions Club Lions Club Lions Club projects, as we projects, as we projects, as well as local projects. ll as local projects. Darwin Twine Ball Celebration is Darwin Twine Ball Celebration is Darwin Twine Ball Celebration is Darwin Twine Ball Celebration is Darwin Twine Ball Celebration is Darwin Twine Ball Celebration is Darwin Twine Ball Celebration is the club’ s majo the club’ s majo the club’ s major fundraiser. The club awards ub awards scholarsh larships for ips for Dassel-Cokato seniors and Dassel-Cokato seniors and Dassel-Cokato seniors and Litchfield seniors each ye d seniors each ye d seniors each year. The club’ s club’ s officers are officers are Ben Beckman Ben Beckman Ben Beckman, president; Pat Raiber, vice p vice president; Kim Kiethahn, secretary; and John ent; Kim Kiethahn, secretary; and John ent; Kim Kiethahn, secretary; and John ent; Kim Kiethahn, secretary; and John Fink, treasurer. Fink, treasurer. Fink, treasurer. Anyone interest interested in join d in joining or learning more about th ing or learning more about th ing or learning more about the org organization can contact anization can contact anization can contact Josh Josh Johnson at( 320) 275-3004 Johnson at( 320) 275-3004 Johnson at( 320) 275-3004. Darwin Rod and Gun Club Darwin Rod and Gun Club Darwin Rod and Gun Club Darwin Rod and Gun Club The c The club, one mile east of Darwin on Highway 12, meet mile east of Darwin on Highway 12, meet mile east of Darwin on Highway 12, meet mile east of Darwin on Highway 12, meet mile east of Darwin on Highway 12, meets the second the second Wednesday of the month at 8 p. m. Wednesday of the month at 8 p. m. Wednesday of the month at 8 p. m. The Darwin Rod and Gun Club is community The Darwin Rod and Gun Club is community The Darwin Rod and Gun Club is community The Darwin Rod and Gun Club is community-minded,-minded, with emphasis on hunting, fi shing, and conservation. with emphasis on hunting, fi shing, and conservation. with emphasis on hunting, fi shing, and conservation. with emphasis on hunting, fi shing, and conservation. with emphasis on hunting, fi shing, and conservation. with emphasis on hunting, fi shing, and conservation. It hosts It hosts trap-shooting leagues in the summer and provides a shooting trap-shooting leagues in the summer and provides a shooting trap-shooting leagues in the summer and provides a shooting trap-shooting leagues in the summer and provides a shooting trap-shooting leagues in the summer and provides a shooting trap-shooting leagues in the summer and provides a shooting trap-shooting leagues in the summer and provides a shooting range for members year-round. Several events range for members year-round. Several events range for members year-round. Several events range for members year-round. Several events range for members year-round. Several events range for members year-round. Several events take place for members and the public each year. members and the public each year. members and the public each year. The officers are Jason Pollock, president; Merle Cropp, The officers are Jason Pollock, president; Merle Cropp, The officers are Jason Pollock, president; Merle Cropp, The officers are Jason Pollock, president; Merle Cropp, The officers are Jason Pollock, president; Merle Cropp, The officers are Jason Pollock, president; Merle Cropp, treasurer; and Phil Smith, secretary. treasurer; and Phil Smith, secretary. treasurer; and Phil Smith, secretary. treasurer; and Phil Smith, secretary. Annual dues are $ 20, or Annual dues are $ 20, or $ 200 for a lifetime membership. $ 200 for a lifetime membership. $ 200 for a lifetime membership. $ 200 for a lifetime membership. Questions may be directed to Questions may be directed to Questions may be directed to Questions may be directed to Merle Cropp at( 320) 693- Merle Cropp at( 320) 693- 2570. 2570. Dassel Friends of the Library Dassel Friends of the Library Dassel Friends of the Library Dassel Friends of the Library Dassel Friends of the Library Dassel Friends of the Library Dassel Friends of the Library is a group of individuals Dassel Friends of the Library is a group of individuals Dassel Friends of the Library is a group of individuals Dassel Friends of the Library is a group of individuals Dassel Friends of the Library is a group of individuals Dassel Friends of the Library is a group of individuals Dassel Friends of the Library is a group of individuals whose goal is to support, enhance, and promote the many whose goal is to support, enhance, and promote the many whose goal is to support, enhance, and promote the many whose goal is to support, enhance, and promote the many whose goal is to support, enhance, and promote the many whose goal is to support, enhance, and promote the many whose goal is to support, enhance, and promote the many benefits of the library system. benefits of the library system. benefits of the library system. benefits of the library system. benefits of the library system. benefits of the library system. New members are being sought. For more information, New members are being sought. For more information, New members are being sought. For more information, New members are being sought. For more information, New members are being sought. For more information, New members are being sought. For more information, New members are being sought. For more information, New members are being sought. For more information, contact the Dassel Library at contact the Dassel Library at contact the Dassel Library at contact the Dassel Library at contact the Dassel Library at contact the Dassel Library at contact the Dassel Library at( 320) 275-3756.( 320) 275-3756.( 320) 275-3756. Dassel Area Histo assel Area Histo assel Area Histo assel Area Histo assel Area Histo assel Area Histo assel Area Historical Society rical Society rical Society rical Society rical Society rical Society rical Society Known as the cultural, arts, and historical center of the Known as the cultural, arts, and historical center of the Known as the cultural, arts, and historical center of the Known as the cultural, arts, and historical center of the Known as the cultural, arts, and historical center of the Known as the cultural, arts, and historical center of the Known as the cultural, arts, and historical center of the Known as the cultural, arts, and historical center of the Dassel area, the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum Dassel area, the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum Dassel area, the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum Dassel area, the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum Dassel area, the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum Dassel area, the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum Dassel area, the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum Dassel area, the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum Dassel area, the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum offers an array of events and exhibits throughout the year. offers an array of events and exhibits throughout the year. offers an array of events and exhibits throughout the year. offers an array of events and exhibits throughout the year. offers an array of events and exhibits throughout the year. offers an array of events and exhibits throughout the year. offers an array of events and exhibits throughout the year. offers an array of events and exhibits throughout the year. offers an array of events and exhibits throughout the year. Located at 901 First St. N. in Dassel, the history center Located at 901 First St. N. in Dassel, the history center Located at 901 First St. N. in Dassel, the history center Located at 901 First St. N. in Dassel, the history center Located at 901 First St. N. in Dassel, the history center Located at 901 First St. N. in Dassel, the history center Located at 901 First St. N. in Dassel, the history center Located at 901 First St. N. in Dassel, the history center is home to the Dassel Area Historical Society( DAHS), an is home to the Dassel Area Historical Society( DAHS), an is home to the Dassel Area Historical Society( DAHS), an is home to the Dassel Area Historical Society( DAHS), an is home to the Dassel Area Historical Society( DAHS), an is home to the Dassel Area Historical Society( DAHS), an is home to the Dassel Area Historical Society( DAHS), an is home to the Dassel Area Historical Society( DAHS), an is home to the Dassel Area Historical Society( DAHS), an organization with a mission to bring the past, present, and organization with a mission to bring the past, present, and organization with a mission to bring the past, present, and organization with a mission to bring the past, present, and organization with a mission to bring the past, present, and organization with a mission to bring the past, present, and organization with a mission to bring the past, present, and organization with a mission to bring the past, present, and future together in a way in which all generations can learn future together in a way in which all generations can learn future together in a way in which all generations can learn future together in a way in which all generations can learn future together in a way in which all generations can learn future together in a way in which all generations can learn future together in a way in which all generations can learn and enjoy. and enjoy. The museum is housed in the Universal Laboratories The museum is housed in the Universal Laboratories The museum is housed in the Universal Laboratories The museum is housed in the Universal Laboratories The museum is housed in the Universal Laboratories The museum is housed in the Universal Laboratories The museum is housed in the Universal Laboratories building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In 2006, it was named one of the 25 top preservation Places. In 2006, it was named one of the 25 top preservation Places. In 2006, it was named one of the 25 top preservation Places. In 2006, it was named one of the 25 top preservation Places. In 2006, it was named one of the 25 top preservation Places. In 2006, it was named one of the 25 top preservation projects in the state of Minnesota by the Minnesota projects in the state of Minnesota by the Minnesota projects in the state of Minnesota by the Minnesota projects in the state of Minnesota by the Minnesota projects in the state of Minnesota by the Minnesota projects in the state of Minnesota by the Minnesota projects in the state of Minnesota by the Minnesota Preservation Alliance. Preservation Alliance. Preservation Alliance. Preservation Alliance. Its main exhibit,“ Ergot: From Blight to Blessing,” showcases Its main exhibit,“ Ergot: From Blight to Blessing,” showcases Its main exhibit,“ Ergot: From Blight to Blessing,” showcases Its main exhibit,“ Ergot: From Blight to Blessing,” showcases Its main exhibit,“ Ergot: From Blight to Blessing,” showcases Its main exhibit,“ Ergot: From Blight to Blessing,” showcases what the building was primarily used for – processing ergot. what the building was primarily used for – processing ergot. what the building was primarily used for – processing ergot. what the building was primarily used for – processing ergot. what the building was primarily used for – processing ergot. what the building was primarily used for – processing ergot. From the early 1940s to the mid-1970s, Universal Laborato From the early 1940s to the mid-1970s, Universal Laborato From the early 1940s to the mid-1970s, Universal Laborato From the early 1940s to the mid-1970s, Universal Laborato From the early 1940s to the mid-1970s, Universal Laborato From the early 1940s to the mid-1970s, Universal Laboratories provided raw ergot from the grain fields of the western US provided raw ergot from the grain fields of the western US provided raw ergot from the grain fields of the western US provided raw ergot from the grain fields of the western US provided raw ergot from the grain fields of the western US provided raw ergot from the grain fields of the western US provided raw ergot from the grain fields of the western US and Canada to pharmaceutical companies. Critical drugs and Canada to pharmaceutical companies. Critical drugs and Canada to pharmaceutical companies. Critical drugs and Canada to pharmaceutical companies. Critical drugs and Canada to pharmaceutical companies. Critical drugs and Canada to pharmaceutical companies. Critical drugs and Canada to pharmaceutical companies. Critical drugs were produced from the ergot, saving countless military and were produced from the ergot, saving countless military and were produced from the ergot, saving countless military and were produced from the ergot, saving countless military and were produced from the ergot, saving countless military and were produced from the ergot, saving countless military and civilian lives. civilian lives. civilian lives. The history center offers other permanent exhibits, The history center offers other permanent exhibits, The history center offers other permanent exhibits, The history center offers other permanent exhibits, The history center offers other permanent exhibits, The history center offers other permanent exhibits, The history center offers other permanent exhibits, including a Peterson Pharmacy exhibit, featuring donated including a Peterson Pharmacy exhibit, featuring donated including a Peterson Pharmacy exhibit, featuring donated including a Peterson Pharmacy exhibit, featuring donated including a Peterson Pharmacy exhibit, featuring donated including a Peterson Pharmacy exhibit, featuring donated including a Peterson Pharmacy exhibit, featuring donated including a Peterson Pharmacy exhibit, featuring donated including a Peterson Pharmacy exhibit, featuring donated including a Peterson Pharmacy exhibit, featuring donated historical pharmaceutical artifacts; and a Magnus Johnson historical pharmaceutical artifacts; and a Magnus Johnson historical pharmaceutical artifacts; and a Magnus Johnson historical pharmaceutical artifacts; and a Magnus Johnson historical pharmaceutical artifacts; and a Magnus Johnson historical pharmaceutical artifacts; and a Magnus Johnson historical pharmaceutical artifacts; and a Magnus Johnson historical pharmaceutical artifacts; and a Magnus Johnson historical pharmaceutical artifacts; and a Magnus Johnson historical pharmaceutical artifacts; and a Magnus Johnson historical pharmaceutical artifacts; and a Magnus Johnson exhibit, showcasing exhibit, showcasing exhibit, showcasing the political career of the late US Senator the political career of the late US Senator the political career of the late US Senator the political career of the late US Senator the political career of the late US Senator the political career of the late US Senator the political career of the late US Senator from the Kingston area. from the Kingston area. from the Kingston area. In addition, the museum features an assortment of In addition, the museum features an assortment of In addition, the museum features an assortment of In addition, the museum features an assortment of In addition, the museum features an assortment of In addition, the museum features an assortment of In addition, the museum features an assortment of In addition, the museum features an assortment of temporary exhibits throughout the year providing artifacts, temporary exhibits throughout the year providing artifacts, temporary exhibits throughout the year providing artifacts, temporary exhibits throughout the year providing artifacts, temporary exhibits throughout the year providing artifacts, temporary exhibits throughout the year providing artifacts, temporary exhibits throughout the year providing artifacts, temporary exhibits throughout the year providing artifacts, temporary exhibits throughout the year providing artifacts, photos, and historical information. photos, and historical information. photos, and historical information. photos, and historical information. Another exhibit,“ Seed Corn: From Maize to Amazing,” Another exhibit,“ Seed Corn: From Maize to Amazing,” Another exhibit,“ Seed Corn: From Maize to Amazing,” Another exhibit,“ Seed Corn: From Maize to Amazing,” Another exhibit,“ Seed Corn: From Maize to Amazing,” Another exhibit,“ Seed Corn: From Maize to Amazing,” Another exhibit,“ Seed Corn: From Maize to Amazing,” highlights Dassel’ s rich seed corn story and how it became highlights Dassel’ s rich seed corn story and how it became highlights Dassel’ s rich seed corn story and how it became highlights Dassel’ s rich seed corn story and how it became highlights Dassel’ s rich seed corn story and how it became highlights Dassel’ s rich seed corn story and how it became known as the Seed Capital of the World. known as the Seed Capital of the World. known as the Seed Capital of the World. known as the Seed Capital of the World. known as the Seed Capital of the World. In addition to the museum, the Dassel Event Center is In addition to the museum, the Dassel Event Center is In addition to the museum, the Dassel Event Center is In addition to the museum, the Dassel Event Center is In addition to the museum, the Dassel Event Center is In addition to the museum, the Dassel Event Center is In addition to the museum, the Dassel Event Center is located on site, where special events take place throughout located on site, where special events take place throughout located on site, where special events take place throughout located on site, where special events take place throughout located on site, where special events take place throughout located on site, where special events take place throughout located on site, where special events take place throughout located on site, where special events take place throughout the year. It is also available for rent by the public. the year. It is also available for rent by the public. the year. It is also available for rent by the public. the year. It is also available for rent by the public. the year. It is also available for rent by the public. the year. It is also available for rent by the public. A variety of unique gifts are available for purchase at the A variety of unique gifts are available for purchase at the A variety of unique gifts are available for purchase at the A variety of unique gifts are available for purchase at the A variety of unique gifts are available for purchase at the A variety of unique gifts are available for purchase at the A variety of unique gifts are available for purchase at the museum, including DAHS totes, jewelry, artwork, and prints museum, including DAHS totes, jewelry, artwork, and prints museum, including DAHS totes, jewelry, artwork, and prints museum, including DAHS totes, jewelry, artwork, and prints museum, including DAHS totes, jewelry, artwork, and prints museum, including DAHS totes, jewelry, artwork, and prints museum, including DAHS totes, jewelry, artwork, and prints museum, including DAHS totes, jewelry, artwork, and prints done by local artists; and historical books by local authors. done by local artists; and historical books by local authors. done by local artists; and historical books by local authors. done by local artists; and historical books by local authors. done by local artists; and historical books by local authors. done by local artists; and historical books by local authors. done by local artists; and historical books by local authors. done by local artists; and historical books by local authors. done by local artists; and historical books by local authors. The museum is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, The museum is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, The museum is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, The museum is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, The museum is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, The museum is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, The museum is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, The museum is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and Saturdays from 9 and Fridays from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and Saturdays from 9 and Fridays from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and Saturdays from 9 and Fridays from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and Saturdays from 9 and Fridays from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and Saturdays from 9 and Fridays from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and Saturdays from 9 and Fridays from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and Saturdays from 9 and Fridays from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. and by appointment. a. m. to 1 p. m. and by appointment. a. m. to 1 p. m. and by appointment. a. m. to 1 p. m. and by appointment. a. m. to 1 p. m. and by appointment. a. m. to 1 p. m. and by appointment. a. m. to 1 p. m. and by appointment. a. m. to 1 p. m. and by appointment. There is no admission fee. There is no admission fee. There is no admission fee. There is no admission fee. There is no admission fee. There is no admission fee. There is no admission fee. For more information about the Dassel History Center, visit For more information about the Dassel History Center, visit For more information about the Dassel History Center, visit For more information about the Dassel History Center, visit For more information about the Dassel History Center, visit For more information about the Dassel History Center, visit For more information about the Dassel History Center, visit For more information about the Dassel History Center, visit For more information about the Dassel History Center, visit For more information about the Dassel History Center, visit For more information about the Dassel History Center, visit For more information about the Dassel History Center, visit the website, www. dasselhistorycenter. org. Questions may be the website, www. dasselhistorycenter. org. Questions may be the website, www. dasselhistorycenter. org. Questions may be the website, www. dasselhistorycenter. org. Questions may be the website, www. dasselhistorycenter. org. Questions may be the website, www. dasselhistorycenter. org. Questions may be the website, www. dasselhistorycenter. org. Questions may be the website, www. dasselhistorycenter. org. Questions may be the website, www. dasselhistorycenter. org. Questions may be the website, www. dasselhistorycenter. org. Questions may be directed to( 320) 275-3077 or dahs @ dassel. com. The mailing directed to( 320) 275-3077 or dahs @ dassel. com. The mailing directed to( 320) 275-3077 or dahs @ dassel. com. The mailing directed to( 320) 275-3077 or dahs @ dassel. com. The mailing directed to( 320) 275-3077 or dahs @ dassel. com. The mailing directed to( 320) 275-3077 or dahs @ dassel. com. The mailing directed to( 320) 275-3077 or dahs @ dassel. com. The mailing directed to( 320) 275-3077 or dahs @ dassel. com. The mailing directed to( 320) 275-3077 or dahs @ dassel. com. The mailing directed to( 320) 275-3077 or dahs @ dassel. com. The mailing address for the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum is address for the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum is address for the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum is address for the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum is address for the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum is address for the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum is address for the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum is PO Box D, Dassel, MN 55325. PO Box D, Dassel, MN 55325. PO Box D, Dassel, MN 55325. Dassel-Cokato Arts Association Dassel-Cokato Arts Association Dassel-Cokato Arts Association Dassel-Cokato Arts Association The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association’ s mission it is to The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association’ s mission it is to The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association’ s mission it is to The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association’ s mission it is to The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association’ s mission it is to The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association’ s mission it is to The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association’ s mission it is to nurture the arts by supporting artists and art events in the nurture the arts by supporting artists and art events in the nurture the arts by supporting artists and art events in the nurture the arts by supporting artists and art events in the nurture the arts by supporting artists and art events in the nurture the arts by supporting artists and art events in the nurture the arts by supporting artists and art events in the nurture the arts by supporting artists and art events in the community. community. The DCAA was organized in 2004, during the construction The DCAA was organized in 2004, during the construction The DCAA was organized in 2004, during the construction The DCAA was organized in 2004, during the construction The DCAA was organized in 2004, during the construction The DCAA was organized in 2004, during the construction of the Dassel-Cokato Performing Arts Center( PAC), located of the Dassel-Cokato Performing Arts Center( PAC), located of the Dassel-Cokato Performing Arts Center( PAC), located of the Dassel-Cokato Performing Arts Center( PAC), located of the Dassel-Cokato Performing Arts Center( PAC), located of the Dassel-Cokato Performing Arts Center( PAC), located at the DC High School. Most DCAA events take place in the at the DC High School. Most DCAA events take place in the at the DC High School. Most DCAA events take place in the at the DC High School. Most DCAA events take place in the at the DC High School. Most DCAA events take place in the at the DC High School. Most DCAA events take place in the 800-seat PAC, and past events have included many concerts 800-seat PAC, and past events have included many concerts 800-seat PAC, and past events have included many concerts 800-seat PAC, and past events have included many concerts 800-seat PAC, and past events have included many concerts 800-seat PAC, and past events have included many concerts performed by the Minnesota Orchestra, Tonic Sol-fa, Mark performed by the Minnesota Orchestra, Tonic Sol-fa, Mark performed by the Minnesota Orchestra, Tonic Sol-fa, Mark performed by the Minnesota Orchestra, Tonic Sol-fa, Mark performed by the Minnesota Orchestra, Tonic Sol-fa, Mark performed by the Minnesota Orchestra, Tonic Sol-fa, Mark performed by the Minnesota Orchestra, Tonic Sol-fa, Mark Schultz, Peter Yarrow( of the former Peter, Paul & Mary trio), Schultz, Peter Yarrow( of the former Peter, Paul & Mary trio), Schultz, Peter Yarrow( of the former Peter, Paul & Mary trio), Schultz, Peter Yarrow( of the former Peter, Paul & Mary trio), Schultz, Peter Yarrow( of the former Peter, Paul & Mary trio), Schultz, Peter Yarrow( of the former Peter, Paul & Mary trio), Todd Oliver, and free concerts, such as a performance by the Todd Oliver, and free concerts, such as a performance by the Todd Oliver, and free concerts, such as a performance by the Todd Oliver, and free concerts, such as a performance by the Todd Oliver, and free concerts, such as a performance by the Todd Oliver, and free concerts, such as a performance by the US Army Field Band’ s Jazz Ambassadors. US Army Field Band’ s Jazz Ambassadors. US Army Field Band’ s Jazz Ambassadors. Touring performances, including“ Church Basement Touring performances, including“ Church Basement Touring performances, including“ Church Basement Touring performances, including“ Church Basement Ladies,” Children’ s Theatre Company productions, Don Ladies,” Children’ s Theatre Company productions, Don Ladies,” Children’ s Theatre Company productions, Don Ladies,” Children’ s Theatre Company productions, Don Ladies,” Children’ s Theatre Company productions, Don Shelby as Mark Twain, and a professional national touring Shelby as Mark Twain, and a professional national touring Shelby as Mark Twain, and a professional national touring Shelby as Mark Twain, and a professional national touring Shelby as Mark Twain, and a professional national touring production of“ A Christmas Carol” have also been presented production of“ A Christmas Carol” have also been presented production of“ A Christmas Carol” have also been presented production of“ A Christmas Carol” have also been presented production of“ A Christmas Carol” have also been presented at the PAC. at the PAC. at the PAC. Some DCAA events take place in the smaller, more intimate Some DCAA events take place in the smaller, more intimate Some DCAA events take place in the smaller, more intimate Some DCAA events take place in the smaller, more intimate Some DCAA events take place in the smaller, more intimate Some DCAA events take place in the smaller, more intimate space at the Dassel History Center, such as performances by space at the Dassel History Center, such as performances by space at the Dassel History Center, such as performances by space at the Dassel History Center, such as performances by space at the Dassel History Center, such as performances by space at the Dassel History Center, such as performances by comedians such as Louie Anderson and a one-woman show comedians such as Louie Anderson and a one-woman show comedians such as Louie Anderson and a one-woman show comedians such as Louie Anderson and a one-woman show comedians such as Louie Anderson and a one-woman show comedians such as Louie Anderson and a one-woman show entitled“ Singing for the Cows.” entitled“ Singing for the Cows.” entitled“ Singing for the Cows.” entitled“ Singing for the Cows.” The DCAA also sponsors the annual Red Rooster Fine The DCAA also sponsors the annual Red Rooster Fine The DCAA also sponsors the annual Red Rooster Fine The DCAA also sponsors the annual Red Rooster Fine The DCAA also sponsors the annual Red Rooster Fine The DCAA also sponsors the annual Red Rooster Fine Arts Show during the Memorial Day weekend. Artists of all Arts Show during the Memorial Day weekend. Artists of all Arts Show during the Memorial Day weekend. Artists of all Arts Show during the Memorial Day weekend. Artists of all Arts Show during the Memorial Day weekend. Artists of all Arts Show during the Memorial Day weekend. Artists of all ages are encouraged to participate in this judged event. ages are encouraged to participate in this judged event. ages are encouraged to participate in this judged event. ages are encouraged to participate in this judged event. ages are encouraged to participate in this judged event. ages are encouraged to participate in this judged event. ages are encouraged to participate in this judged event. The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association always welcomes new The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association always welcomes new The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association always welcomes new The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association always welcomes new The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association always welcomes new The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association always welcomes new The Dassel-Cokato Arts Association always welcomes new members. As a non-profit organization, tax-deductible donations to As a non-profit organization, tax-deductible donations to As a non-profit organization, tax-deductible donations to As a non-profit organization, tax-deductible donations to As a non-profit organization, tax-deductible donations to As a non-profit organization, tax-deductible donations to the DCAA help to bring world-class entertainment to our the DCAA help to bring world-class entertainment to our the DCAA help to bring world-class entertainment to our the DCAA help to bring world-class entertainment to our the DCAA help to bring world-class entertainment to our the DCAA help to bring world-class entertainment to our the DCAA help to bring world-class entertainment to our community with extremely affordable ticket prices. Members community with extremely affordable ticket prices. Members community with extremely affordable ticket prices. Members community with extremely affordable ticket prices. Members community with extremely affordable ticket prices. Members community with extremely affordable ticket prices. Members community with extremely affordable ticket prices. Members ������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ������������������� �������������������� ������������������������� ��������������������������� �������������� ����������� ������������� ����������� ��������� ���������