Dashboards and Saddlebags the Destination Magazine™ Issue 036 March 2014 | Page 25

At the time of the filming, the re st aurant where Sher i f f Todd Peterson (Tar Heel Nick Searcy) comfort s his w ife, Mar y (Robin Mullin s), wa s c alled t he Joyce Kilmer Rest aurant, after the nearby national forest, which in tur n was named for the author of the poem “Trees.” Today, the pl a c e i s c a l le d Ly n n’s , a n d it st ill ser ve s up nice meals to hungr y film junkies. The courtroom scenes were filmed at the Graham Count y Courthouse, a str iking brow n and tan quart zi t e s t r u c t u r e b u i l t a s a W PA project and first used in 1942. Credits Nell( 1994), : Stark Love (1927) From the Film Junkies Guide to North Carolina by Connie Nelson and Floyd Harris. www.FilmJunkiesGuide.com “The most comprehensive way to learn where movies were made in North Carolina.” --Lawrence Toppman, Charlotte Observer MARCH &MUSIC! 7 Johny Johny 14 Trey Calloway 21 Therese & Dane 28 Josh Sanders BIKE NIGHTS 3rd Thursday MONDAY 49¢ Wings! $1.75 Pints! $5 Jager Bombs The 160-plus entries in this travel guide are arranged geographically and include information about what movies and television series were filmed at each site. Available through Amazon barnes & noble Google Books www.FilmJunkiesGuide.com FRIDAY- LIVE MUSIC! $1.75 Mich Ultra & Amber $5 Washington Apple Shot! SATURDAY TUESDAY - LIVE MUSIC! $1 Natural Light Kids Eat Free! $1.75 Bud & Bud Light Bottles Taco Tuesday $5 Tic Tac Shot $1.75 Domestic Bottles $5 Grape Gatorade Shot SUNDAY WEDNESDAY $10.50 Domestic Bucket Kids Eat Free! 49¢ Wings $1.75 Bud & Bud Light Bottles Country Lunch Specials Smoke House Nights $3.50 Bloody Mary $5 Royal Flush THURSDAY Fajitas + Bike Night $1.75 Mil er L