Dashboards and Saddlebags the Destination Magazine™ Issue 036 March 2014 | Page 26

Visit the Ava Gardner Museum #106 V isitors to Smithfield can celebrate the legacy of Holly wood golden age film star Ava Gardner in the hometow n museum ded ic ated to her l i fe. Pa r t of Nor t h C a rol i n a’s r ich f i l m legacy, Gardner appeared in more than 50 mov ies including Night of the Iguana, The Killers and Show Boat, and was married to Frank Sinatra and Mickey Rooney spanning a 50-year career as a leading Holly wood actress. She was bor n and raised in Johnston County, a r ural area of central North Carolina, until New York and Holly wood called her to fame. The museum tells the stor y of her life w ith an extensive collection of memorabilia, and each item has a personal connection to Ava or he r f a m i ly. More t h a n 20,0 0 0 pieces of memorabilia are in the Project 543 tells the story of collection, including costumes unique spots across North l i ke t he d re s s f rom The Gre at Carolina we hope will become S i n n e r (w h i c h s h o wc a s e s h e r some of your favorite places. 18 -i nc h w a i st), mov ie p o ster s Why 543? Because that’s the and award s. The museum al so number of miles from Manteo, s h o wc a s e s a m i x o f p e r s o n a l on the coast, to Murphy, in the mountains, and is traditionally item s, includ ing a gold-pl ated considered to be the width of derr inger pistol given to her by our state. The entries in this John Huston to diffuse tension project are in no particular bet ween R ichard Burton and order, and we’ll add to them Liz Taylor during the filming of each week. Check in often to Night of the Iguana, and an en- find inspiration for your next trip, or start planning today at graved watch she gave to Sinatra. VisitNC.com. 26 Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine™