Dashboards and Saddlebags the Destination Magazine™ Issue 036 March 2014 | Page 24

Film Junkies Guide to North Carolina Robbinsville - Graham County Robbinsville is on U.S. 129 and N.C. 143 in extreme western North Carolina A l l n o t e d N e l l l o ca t i o n s a re i n t h e d owntown a re a, m ost ke e p d ayti m e business hours. T he theme song from composer Mark Isham’s Golden Glob e ® -nom i n ated s core for Nell is called “Welcome to Robbi n s v i l le,” wh ich i s appro priate, as this beautiful Graham Count y tow n w ill forever be linked to t he memorable Jodie Foster film. Robbinsville is civilization, in contrast to Nell’s wild, untamed wilderness countr y. It i s a l s o home to t he goo d doctor Jerr y Lovell (Liam Neeson), who h a s Nell’s be st intere st at heart, unlike the cold, hard city of Ch a rlotte w it h it s un iver sit ie s a nd ne w s me d i a a nd p s ychologist Paula Olsen (Natasha Richardson). But Nell wasn’t the first time the movies came calling. The silent fe at ure St a rk L ove shot e xclusively in the area. It was written, produced, and directed by Karl Brown, a protege of D. W. Griffith. Brow n insisted on authenticity, using loc al, unt rained “actors” (at $25 a week!) a nd shoot i ng w it hout m akeup. Th i s re al i sm separated St ark Love from t he usual silent-film melodrama and is one of the reasons it is held in high esteem by film historians of the pre-talkie era. 24 Of course, film junkies are more l i kely to rememb er Nel l which Foster produced as well as starred in, and for which she garnered a Best Actress nomination. A good st arting point for a tou r of R obbi n s v i l le’s M a i n St re et i s Snyder ’s Dep a r t ment S t or e , w h e r e Je r r y a n d Pa u l a take Nell on her tr ip into tow n to acclim ate her to societ y. In this memorable scene, Nell get s a litt le c ar r ied away w it h her shopping spree. Snyder’s, a Robbi n s v i l le f i xt ure for ye a r s, carries a little bit of ever ything, - t h e fo l k s h e r e a r e h a p p y t o discuss t heir br ush w it h fame. Of course, Nell escapes the little trip and ends up dow n at t he Blue Be acon Pool & Paw n, where t he coarser side of an exploitive society is on display. Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine™