Daily Gymnastics February 2014 | Page 15

Daily Gymnastics: What was your favorite skill to learn and train?

Sam Mikulak: My favorite skill right now that I'm learning and training is the air flare. It's such an acrobatic skill; it's kind of like break dancing and it's a different style of gymnastics. It's really fun to do because it draws a lot of attention and people like to watch it, and I like how it feels doing it.

Daily Gymnastics: What is the biggest lesson you've learned from gymnastics throughout the years?

Sam Mikulak: Handling frustration. There are a lot of controllables and uncontrollables in gymnastics and I've learned to not let the uncontrollables get to me too much. I've learned to make every day count, even if I might not be having the best day in the gym, I can still be productive in some way and pull a benefit out of it instead of just getting frustrated.

Daily Gymnastics: What would you say is your most embarrassing gymnastics related moment?

Sam Mikulak: I'll just have moments where I'll forget my routine or something. Nothing too embarrassing, at least not yet, so hopefully it can stay that way.

Daily Gymnastics: Do you have any pre-meet rituals?

Sam Mikulak: Nothing too crazy. I always have a good meal and make sure I sleep well. Before I compete I drink my yerba mate tea to give me the energy and edge I need for the competition.