Daily Gymnastics: Have you ever had a mental block on a skill?
Sam Mikulak: I can't do an endo on the high bar for some reason; that's just one skill I can't do at all. My teammates make fun of me for it because it's not a hard skill. An endo is worth a B in gymnastics so it's not like it really matters, but it's just one of those things that's just super weird.
Daily Gymnastics: When you aren't training or studying, how do you like to spend your free time?
Sam Mikulak: When I'm not training, I usually watch How I Met Your Mother or I go to my friends house and listen to music. My friend Alex is a DJ so we'll jam out every here and there and I'll experiment with making different yerba mate tea and try different flavorings of that.
Daily Gymnastics: Do you have a strict diet that you like to stick to?
Sam Mikulak: It's not strict, I just don't eat fast food every day or weekend. There are so many varieties of healthy foods out there that I like to eat. I like to eat a salad or chicken and pasta with a smoothie or something.
Daily Gymnastics: What is your favorite thing about the University of Michigan?
Sam Mikulak: Having a team and other people to push me in the gym. If you train by yourself or with people that aren't really on a close level of athletic ability, you kind of lose your motivation. I like that I have other people around me to push me to the next step.