Daily Gymnastics February 2014 | Page 14

Daily Gymnastics: Do you have plans to continue in gymnastics after the 2016 Olympics?

Sam Mikulak: Ideally, I would like to open up a gym in California and get all of the training necessities that I would need there in order to continue training for the 2020 Olympics.

Daily Gymnastics: If you had to pick one, what would you say is your favorite gymnastics memory so far?

Sam Mikulak: Competing at the Olympic Games. That was an experience that words cannot describe and it is something that will be with me for the rest of my life.

Daily Gymnastics: When you started gymnastics, did you ever dream you would be where you are today in the sport?

Sam Mikulak: Yes, I thought if I'm going to be doing gymnastics and doing a sport that hurts your body so much, I'm definitely in it for the long run and the big goals.

Ever since I was little, I dreamed of going to the Olympics and being the best gymnast in the world. I'm still continuing on that journey to accomplish the final goals.

Daily Gymnastics: Growing up, what gymnasts did you look up to as role models?

Sam Mikulak: Alexei Nemov and Paul Hamm. Alexei Nemov had such style and Paul Hamm was the first American gymnast to win the all-around title at World's and the Olympics.