cyprUS WEEKLY 1.1 | Page 3

Wedding of the century! After much speculation over the suspected romance, cyprUS Weekly can now confirm the marriage between Othello and Desdemona. The wedding was this weekend. The only strange part about the wedding was that there were no guests! That's right, it was a closed door ceremony. Not even Desdemona's father Brabantio knew about the marriage! We have been told that Brabantio has been very respectful and friendly towards Othello in the past, but is adamant that the marriage was a mistake and that Othello's race is the sole reason. Brabantio, however, did not want to be questioned for this interview. Not only is Othello's race an issue with Brabantio, but all of Venice seems to be in shock. The general consensus we have gathered is that Desdemona should have known better than to have married a man of color, especially one that had been a slave, and even more so because she directly betrayed her father. Many Venetians are concerned that the recent marriage will only serve as a distraction for Othello, while Desdemona travelled with the army to Cyprus waiting for an imminent battle with the Turks. Others are even questioning the legitimacy of the marriage. We here at cyprUS Weekly ask: How can this love not be true and remind us of the beautiful couple Romeo and Juliet? Othello took Desdemona away in the middle of the night, without her father's consent, and totally against what is acceptable to society. How could you not love this couple?! We wanted our readers to understand the courage and audacity of this relationship, so we had a sit down interview with the couple themselves. "I did consent, and often did beguile her of her tears when I did speak of some stressful stroke that my youth suffered. My story being done, she gave me for my pains a world of kisses," Othello said, "She loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them" (I.iii.). Desdemona went on to say, "That I did love the Moor to live with him, my downright violence and storm of fortunes my trumpet to the world. My heart's subdued even to the very quality of my lord" (I.iii.). As you can tell, the love between Othello and Desdemona is very much and real and has a deep passion about it. We will be looking for this couple to be dominating the headlines as well as the frontlines. Everyone from cyprUS Weekly would like to congratulate Othello and Desdemona and wish them luck in their marriage!