Cybersecurity In The Wild West July 2023 | Page 14

No one becomes successful alone . Never forget the importance of recognizing your team . After a game in his freshman year in high school in which Emmitt had eight carries , rushed for 245 yards , and scored two touchdowns — all in the first half — his coach allowed him to speak to the press . As Emmitt answered the press ’ s questions about the game , his answers were all focused on what he had contributed to the game without mentioning his teammates . “ Afterward , the coach put his arm around me , walked me back into the locker room , and he said , ‘ Listen , son , every chance you get , you share the spotlight with those five guys up front . You didn ’ t block for yourself . You didn ’ t hand the ball to yourself . And you definitely didn ’ t throw the ball to yourself .’” The next practice , when Emmitt took off running to the line of scrimmage , his entire offensive line laid down and he got hit by the entire defensive line . “ I got up saying , ‘ Coach , I got it , I got it , I got it ,’” Emmitt said . “ It was a lesson in humility . No one , I repeat , no one becomes successful by themselves . It takes everybody to be successful in every organization . Even at home , nobody can shoulder all this weight by themselves . I could not have become the all-time leader in rushing without the great wall of Dallas in front of me . . . I don ’ t care what anybody says , no one is successful by themselves . The people who are not the most recognizable in the organization are the ones doing a lot of the grunt work behind the scenes to make you and me look good . Our marketing teams are taking the skill sets we offer and the service we offer and make it and prop it up and sell it to the community .”
To get to the level of success you want to get to , take time to analyze everything after losses , setbacks , or mistakes . Look at what is working and what isn ’ t working . Ask hard questions such as if you executed your game plan and whether your competition is in better shape than your organization . When Emmitt was a freshman in high school , he was one of two freshmen allowed to play varsity . On his first day of practice , when they handed him the ball , he fumbled three straight times in a row . The offense coordinator grabbed him by the face mask , shook his mask , and told him he would never amount to anything if he couldn ’ t take care of the football because the football was the most important thing on the field . “ He made me feel small ,” Emmitt said . “ I was so mad and hot that the next time , I ran through the cornerback so bad , I think I broke his collarbone . I was mad , but I was challenged to a level that made me start to focus on the things that were most important . . . If you
want to become better at whatever it is you ’ re trying to do as an organization , you must do self-reflection . You have to be able to analyze not only the good but also the bad . As a team , as football players , and as business owners , when we win , everybody is excited , and everybody is giving highfives . But when we lose , everybody ’ s disappointed . Are you taking time to analyze the things that cost [ you ] the game ?”
Pessimists are all around you . Protect your environment from negativity by hanging around positive people . Avoid people who have not experienced the success you ’ re looking to achieve and don ’ t understand your journey . While everybody has an opinion , they don ’ t necessarily have a clue about what you ’ re experiencing in your business . Emmitt likened it to asking a high school coach who doesn ’ t have any experience with pro football . Instead , find someone who has achieved what you want to achieve and is willing to share their knowledge with you . “ You are a product of your environment ,” Emmitt said . “ You absolutely must set up boundaries in every aspect of life . Positive-thinking people inspire others to be positive-thinking people , too . That ’ s not to say we all have to think the same , but if you challenge me on a thought so I can find revelation within that thought , and it works both ways , we are going to be cool all day , every day , because you have something to give me and I have something to give you instead of someone just sucking all the energy out of you . Also , find people who have gone places you have not gone and speak to those folks who understand what it ’ s like to go through that process . Naysayers are everywhere . . . Twitter , Instagram , and Facebook have naysayers all over them . If you really want someone who ’ s been there , done it , and got a T-shirt for it , you find that person and then you ask all the questions you want to ask . If they ’ re willing to share it , they ’ re willing to share . If they ’ re not , find somebody else who ’ s been there because someone on this planet has been where you are trying to go .”
These are principles Emmitt lives day in , day out . He says when you are doing things on a repetitive basis , it becomes ingrained in you . “ Make whatever it is that you ’ re doing become your lifestyle . Make your habits , quality habits , not just any habit . And when you get done , you will look up and look back on your journey , and you will see the process and the things you put into becoming successful . As legendary coach Paul Bryant said , ‘ If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride , you will be a winner .’ The price of victory is high , but so are the rewards .”