Cybersecurity In The Wild West July 2023 | Page 13

same thing as a player and as a leader to make sure I ’ m doing my part and trying to help others do their part as well .”
To maximize his potential , Emmitt never lets himself be satisfied . He stays focused on constantly improving himself and his performance . It ’ s this wholehearted commitment to his goals and performing consistently day after day that has made it possible for him to turn his dreams into reality . “ When you win and you are successful at whatever it is you ’ re trying to do , you want to be selfish about it because you want to stay at the pinnacle ,” Emmitt said . “ You want to remain hungry because Dwight Thomas [ his high school football coach ] told us , ‘ Never become satisfied with anything . Because the day you do , the growing stops .’ And that ’ s been my philosophy ever since . People asked me , ‘ How did you become an all-time leading rusher ?’ Well , you ’ ve got to be consistent . You ’ ve got to be available . You can ’ t be missing work . You can ’ t be cutting things and taking shortcuts . There aren ’ t any shortcuts in life . Either you ’ re going to get on the grind or you ’ re not . And before you know it , it ’ s no longer a grind . It becomes fun because you ’ re building things that are sustainable . The things I ’ m talking about right now were the building blocks to where my life was taking me without my even knowing it . They talk about 10,000 hours . Well , I have 10,000 hours in sports , and I ’ m working on another 20,000 hours in business . And I ’ m going to do it until I go into the grave because I ’ m going to maximize every ounce of talent I have to be the very best version of myself .”
Bowl , and his friend Johnny was in the stands watching him . “ Success is there to be shared , not to be reserved for just you ,” Emmitt said . “ It ’ s enjoyable when you have others to share it with . Knowledge is to be shared , not just remain in your head , but to be taken out and given to others freely . The reason why is because what you know , the nuances , others might not get it . And what ’ s for you is for you . And what ’ s for someone else to do with that information is for them . They ’ ll figure it out . But to help another one move along their path is all we ’ ve been called to do .”
Remember your humble beginnings and , despite your success , never see yourself as better than others . Also , command attention and respect not by demanding it , but by earning it . “ My mother always told me , ‘ Son , treat people with respect and command respect at the same time ,’” Emmitt said . “ Humility is one thing I ’ ve been able to home in on throughout the entire process . I try not to project myself upon others and try to carry myself as a normal approachable person versus walking around with this halo . I allow people to treat me the way they want to treat me or the way they believe I should be treated . I don ’ t walk around with this expectation that someone is going to treat me special because of what I ’ ve done .”
As you grow more successful , share your success and knowledge with others . After being named the Gatorade National Football Player of the Year his senior year in high school , Emmitt was awarded an all-expense paid trip and two tickets to watch his first Super Bowl at the Rose Bowl in California .
He took his best friend , Johnny Nichols . While at the game , he told Johnny that one day he was going to play at the Rose Bowl . Six years later , he played his first Super Bowl at the Rose