Cybersecurity In The Wild West July 2023 | Page 15


RLC Labs Values IT Security Which Makes Bensinger Consulting A Natural Fit


At its core , business ownership revolves around risk management . As the President and CEO of RLC Labs , I ’ m constantly assessing risks , making strategic decisions , and moving our business forward . To me , avoiding data risks and cybersecurity breaches is just as important to the success of my business as using the best ingredients to develop our products . Because RLC Labs is a pharmaceutical company that develops patient treatments and therapies that need to be approved by the FDA , DEA , and state boards of pharmacy , our IT security is paramount to staying aligned with the requirements of each of these governing bodies .

For 25 years , I have been leading RLC Labs through changing market dynamics and evolving technological landscapes , and for 18 of those years , Bensinger Consulting has been working alongside me to help me navigate cybersecurity , technical support , and new technology implementations . I ’ m always willing to pay a premium for a premium service , and that ’ s the reason I ’ ve stuck with Bensinger Consulting for so many years .
Not only is Ed Bensinger a pleasure to work with but his professional results speak for themselves . A few years ago , we transferred funds to a supplier , and somewhere along the way , the system got hacked , putting both us and our supplier in danger . At first , the supplier was pointing fingers at us , but once Ed investigated , he provided evidence that the hack came from vulnerabilities in the supplier ’ s system , not ours .
Unfortunately , stories like the one above are not uncommon today . No matter what industry you ’ re in , data security should be a priority . I have many friends and peers who own businesses , and in all the time I ’ ve been running RLC Labs , many of them have been hacked or faced ransomware attacks while I have ( knock on wood ) remained safe from any of those things . I fully attribute that to the quality of service provided by Bensinger Consulting .
Aside from cybersecurity , Ed has helped me update the technology stack many times throughout our long-term partnership . Moving to an SAP system was essential for our business growth , but with Ed ’ s help , we were able to find an SAP retailer for a fraction of the cost while maintaining the right level of quality we were looking for . During the three years it has taken to implement our new system , Ed played a critical role and helped me manage the risks associated with updating our tech infrastructure .
As I said , I ’ m a professional risk manager , but IT is not my specialty . I know I can rely on Ed ’ s professional opinion and expertise to help me manage data risks and advance the IT strategy for my business . At this point , he ’ s a critical member of RLC Labs . Without his help , we wouldn ’ t be able to provide affordable , reliable hypothyroid treatments to people in need . The price tag associated with data security is always , always , always worth it , especially when Bensinger Consulting is involved . Don ’ t fall into the trap many business owners do and gamble with the safety of your business , the trust of your clients , or the integrity of your products .