Evaluate the Program
In order to measure success of the telework program , the telework committee should develop an evaluation plan before implementation . This plan should be based on quantifiable program goals and objectives to measure and compare results .
When evaluating the organization ’ s telework program , it is recommended to first analyze the key issues that affect the organization , such as productivity , operating costs , employee morale , recruitment and retention . While you also can evaluate external issues impacted by telework , such as traffic flow , air pollution , and mass transit use , these factors are usually evaluated through a community effort by a consortium of interested organizations .
There are several measurement strategies managers might want to include in the evaluation plan . For example , compare teleworkers and non-teleworkers on selected measures at one point in time . Also , conduct pre- and post-measurements on the teleworkers alone , analyzing performance before and after they begin working remotely .
To evaluate productivity , develop various levels of performance to measure each employee . Identify quantifiable tasks and determine which can be accomplished in an office setting and which can take place via telework . For example , it may take an employee two weeks to write the office newsletter when working in the office , but only one week in the telework setting because of fewer interruptions .
To measure operating costs , you should measure sick leave taken , workers ' compensation costs , office space needs , and / or transit subsidy expenses before and after the telework program begins . In addition to these measures on individual employees , anecdotal data may also be helpful . In evaluating the costs of telework , allow sufficient time for implementation before studying costs . In the initial months of telework , there are typically increased costs for logistical support ; however additional noteworthy cost savings are normally realized after a sufficient period of time .
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