meeting , but also see everyone in the meeting , allowing for more quality interaction with managers and employees .
Set Expectations
Before beginning a telework program , managers should clearly define expectations from an employee ' s performance before he or she begins working remotely . Focus on results , such as accomplishments , products , or services provided to measure their performance since it will be difficult to observe activities , behaviors or demonstrated competencies . Performance plans also should include standards that are measurable , observable and at least verifiable . Whether an employee works at the main office or at home , they should know what they are supposed to do , and how well they are supposed to do it , in order to ensure successful performance .
Monitor Performance
Monitoring performance includes measuring performance and providing feedback . In a telework situation , measuring the results of employees ’ efforts rather than their activities can be more efficient and effective . Quantity , quality , timeliness , and cost-effectiveness are four general measures that should be considered at all times for all employees , whether they work from home or in the office .
After establishing performance measures , communicate where an employee stands on performance frequently . Since teleworkers are not in the office to receive quick , informal feedback , make a conscious effort to send an instant message to teleworkers so they know they are doing a good job .
During the first few months of implementing the program , managers may experience a few glitches here and there , but once you find solutions for any minor problems , the organization will soon experience benefits such as decreased sick leave from employees , a reduction in workers ' compensation cases and overall improvement in employee morale and productivity .
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