use a wireless network , as the security implications with a Wi-Fi network are still being discovered and the vulnerabilities are endless . Acting as two security layers , if your network is breached and you have a secure application , the hacker can only get access to encrypted files , which prevents the hacker from reaching any confidential information .
Launching the Program
Initially , managers will feel somewhat overwhelmed with the changes and challenges in launching a telework program . However , if you approach this in a gradual fashion , giving time to work through new issues , success is highly achievable .
When initiating a telework arrangement , managers need to help employees adapt to this culture change in the beginning stages of implementation . Share information about the program as it is developed , and ensure that employees receive training on the organization ’ s telework policies , procedures and any new technologies that need to be utilized on a daily basis . Once all employees are given an opportunity to review the telework program and decide if they would like to participate or not , then you should move into launching the program .
Maintain Balance
Once a telework program is underway , it is important to emphasize equality between teleworkers and non-teleworkers . Be sure to communicate frequently with employees in the main office and those who are working remotely to maintain a cohesive team .
While managers can maintain communications with conference calls and e-mails , if your organization has a collaboration program , you can also touch base via instant messaging and online meetings . Managers could host regular staff meetings via online , which allows the teleworker to stay involved and included without having to commute to the office . This is especially important if the organization has employees working in another city , state or even overseas , as it would be very costly to transport them to the main office for each staff meeting . Additionally , an online meeting allows the teleworker to not only hear other participants in the
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