Additionally , it is helpful to have a junk e-mail folder and virus detections to protect your systems against any potential e-mail viruses . Highly confidential information , such as financials , salary data , strategic plans or budgets , should not be transmitted via unprotected e-mail methods . Opt instead for an encrypted method of sharing and storing sensitive information .
Secure Online Meetings
A collaboration software program provides organizations with a cost-effective method for transferring important files over a secure channel . While most products have security as an addon , others build strong security specifics within the tool to provide better protection . All components of a collaboration tool – including audio , video , data and files – should be protected with the strongest levels of encryption .
Some of the security factors you should look for include :
• Lock-tight password protection
• Comprehensive encryption system using Advanced Encryption Standard ( AES ) Public key encryption
• Encrypted file storage
Stay in Control
Perhaps the most effective way to protect sensitive files is by having the control in your hands . Any form of communication , and specifically a collaboration tool , should provide you with the control to grant employees access to certain information . A collaboration product should let you designate which of your employees has access and to what files , and it should handle details surrounding need-to-know and right-to-know permissions .
Secure Networks and Applications
Lastly , you should consider ways to secure both the network you are transmitting information with and the application being used to communicate . This is especially important for teleworkers who
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