8 . Is education and training about how and when to use the service readily available and / or customized for the teleworker ?
9 . What type of support will be available to the teleworker ? Is the support included , or must you pay for telephone calls to client services ?
10 . What are the contractual arrangements ? Does the provider offer one price for multiple participants , sometimes called “ seats ”?
As a manager , it is your responsibility to not only find the best solutions for telework , but also find ways to save costs on implementing the program . To minimize technology expenses , look for a collaboration program that allows you to purchase “ seats ,” which means you can purchase licenses for a group of participants rather than having to pay for each minute you are online using the program for a meeting .
Ensuring Security at Home
Oftentimes , organizations overlook the potential security risks when allowing an employee to work from home . While your office may have security measures in place , your employee ’ s home may not . The Computer Security Institute , a San Francisco-based association of information security , recently conducted its 10th annual “ Computer Crime and Security Survey .” According to the survey , large corporations and government agencies acknowledged more than $ 130 million of financial losses due to computer breaches . Therefore , it is imperative to consider technology tools that provide stringent security standards to ensure your company ’ s information is not compromised from a teleworker ’ s computer .
Protect E-mail Systems
E-mail can still be an effective , easy and paperless way to communicate , but organizations need to understand the threats to security when relying solely on e-mail for communications . For teleworking purposes , your e-mail system should be fully encrypted to avoid security breaches .
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