Select a Collaboration Tool
After establishing specific policies , procedures and measurement methods for your telework program , you should next select the right technology .
The most interactive and secure method for communications with teleworkers is a collaboration software program that is designed specifically for your industry and company structure . The following questions can help you select a collaboration tool that best meets your organization ’ s teleworking needs :
1 . Does the collaboration solution offer everything a teleworker needs to work effectively from home , such as real-time document editing , audio , video , instant messaging , etc .?
2 . Are all the necessary services integrated into one package or would we need to consider other alternatives ( and expenses ) such as conference calls for the audio ?
3 . Will the solution maintain total privacy and confidentiality of video , audio and data ?
4 . Does the system use a high level of encryption methods , such as Advanced Encryption Standard ( AES )?
5 . How does the provider protect the data and where is it stored ?
6 . Does the system operate through firewalls ? This is critical when it is important to communicate with external audiences .
7 . Is security included in the overall price of the solution , or is it an add-on cost ?
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