To evaluate morale , recruitment and retention , managers can utilize focus groups , questionnaires and surveys with employees . For example , ask employees to rate their degree of satisfaction with their working conditions , productivity and telework situation .
In addition to looking at overall morale and retention , it is important to measure specific aspects of satisfaction with telework . Similar to measuring costs , it is important to take enough time to evaluate satisfaction with the program , and it may take asking the same questions at several points in time , such as three months , six months , etc . One approach is to develop a small survey asking employees how they believe telework will benefit them before implementation . After six months , ask them to look at the initial survey and identify if they did or did not experience these benefits .
Additional Resources
If you have further questions regarding the implementation of a telework program within your organizations , the following resources can help you .
Telework Consortium
The Telework Consortium discovers , evaluates , and demonstrates the field-ready hardware and software , management processes , infrastructure configurations , measurement techniques , and best practices that are likely to speed the early adoption of cost-effective , easy-to-use designs and technologies for working and collaborating from remote locations . www . teleworkconsortium . org
Telework Coalition
The Telework Coalition brings together a diverse array of organizations , companies , and individuals with the common interest of promoting awareness and adoption of existing and emerging Telework and Telecommuting applications including telemedicine and distance learning , as well as addressing access to broadband services that may be needed to support these applications . www . telcoa . org
Washington DC | Scottsdale AZ | Redmond WA | 1-866-265-8060 | www . viack . com | sales @ viack . com