Custom Handout Examples & Inspiration | Page 11


Bottle Feeding

Nature and Nurture Family Enrichment Center • natureandnurturecenter . com • 978-634-1293
Choosing a Bottle
Bottles and bottle nipples come in a variety of materials , shapes , sizes and flow rates . For a newborn baby , you ’ ll want to start with the slowest flow nipple and small bottle size . As your baby grows , you can gradually increase the nipple flow or keep it the same depending on your child ’ s needs and preferences . If your baby is gulping and choking , then the flow is too fast . If they seem frustrated and are sucking very hard , the flow may be too slow .
When and How Much to Feed
Newborn babies should be fed any time they show signs of hunger like getting restless or squirmy , sucking on their hands , rooting ( opening their mouth and turning toward something that touches their cheek ), or fussing . Crying is a late sign of hunger . The amount that baby eats at a feeding will increase as they grow . Usually , baby will stop eating when full . They do not need to finish a bottle if full . The following chart provides guidelines :
Formula Feeding Schedule *
© MaraZe
Baby ’ s age Approximate amount Feedings per day
0 – 1 month 1 – 2 ounces or more ** 8 – 12
1 – 2 months 3 – 5 ounces 6 – 8 2 – 6 months 4 – 6 ounces 5 – 6 6 – 12 months 6 – 8 ounces 5 – 6
* These guidelines are for exclusively formula-fed infants . Babies fed breast milk from a bottle may need to feed more frequently . ** Baby ’ s belly is very small at birth and only able to hold tiny amounts at a time . Over the first ten days , it gradually expands . By the end of the first week it can hold 1-2 ounces .
Bottles While Breastfeeding
If you are breastfeeding , you may choose to feed baby a bottle of pumped breast milk or formula regularly or occasionally , depending on your needs . It is best to avoid bottles and formula for the first 4 – 6 weeks or until breastfeeding is going well . When you introduce a bottle , use a slow flow nipple and paced feeding to discourage a preference for the bottle over the breast .
Positioning Your Baby
Hold baby partially upright with baby ’ s head higher than their body . Hold the bottle horizontally with your other hand . This position allows them to suck milk from the bottle rather than having it flow freely into their
© Anna Kraynova mouth . This can help prevent overfeeding and ear infections . Switch to the other arm halfway through feeding to keep baby from preferring one side over the other . Always hold the bottle for feeding until your baby can hold the bottle on their own . Never prop a bottle in position . This can lead to choking .
Paced Bottle Feeding
This approach to bottle feeding supports baby ’ s natural instincts . It allows the meal to settle and provides time for baby ’ s brain to receive signals of fullness from the stomach ( to avoid overeating ). For babies who are both breast and bottle fed , it can help avoid confusion or bottle preference . Use these steps for paced feeding :
• Tickle baby ’ s lips with the nipple and let baby latch onto it . Do not push the nipple into baby ’ s mouth .
• Hold the bottle horizontally and pause the flow of milk by lowering the end of the bottle every 20 – 30 seconds .
• When baby begins to suck again , raise the end to allow milk to flow . Repeat .
Bottle Cleaning and Care
Careful cleaning of bottles is important . Follow the care instructions included with your bottles . CDC cleaning and sanitizing guidelines are available at plumtree . pro / clean . Keep these tips in
© Nor Gal mind as you clean :
• Separate individual pieces for washing . Clean bottles , nipples and other pieces separately from other dishes .
• Wash with warm , soapy water . Rinse thoroughly .
• Sterilize separate pieces for five minutes in boiling water or use a commercially available bottle sterilizer .
• Discard bottles or nipples that are cracked or damaged .
This information should not be construed as medical advice , nor is it intended to replace the individual care of a health care professional . Copyright © 2021 Plumtree Baby . All rights reserved .