Custom Handout Examples & Inspiration | Page 10


Using Formula

Nature and Nurture Family Enrichment Center • natureandnurturecenter . com • 978-634-1293
Feeding Baby
Breastfeeding or feeding baby human milk is the healthiest option for your baby . If neither of these options is available , infant formula may be used .
Unless otherwise directed by your baby ’ s doctor , only breast milk or formula should be fed to baby for the first six months . Do not give your baby other fluids such as juice or water . Do not add anything ( such as rice cereal ) to a bottle . When your baby starts eating solid foods ( usually around six months ), breast milk or formula should continue to be their primary source of nutrition until one year of age . Consult with your baby ’ s doctor if needed for feeding recommendations .
Types of Formula
There are several different types of formula . Commercial infant formula based on cow ’ s milk is the most common . All commercial formula is required by the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) to meet infants ’ nutritional needs . The American Academy of Pediatrics ( AAP ) recommends iron-fortified formula for exclusively formula-fed babies to prevent iron deficiency anemia .
Most formulas fall into this category . This type of formula is made using cow ’ s milk .
Soy-based formula is used by parents who choose to avoid dairy or have a baby who cannot tolerate the lactose found in cow ’ s milk .
This type of formula is usually made from cow ’ s milk but has proteins broken down to make it easier to digest . This formula is used for babies who have a dairy and / or soy intolerance .
This type of formula is only used for premature , low birthweight babies or those with specific medical needs .
Liquid or Powder Formula
Liquid formula comes in ready-made ( open and pour in a bottle ) or concentrate ( mix with water before feeding ). Powdered formula is less expensive than liquid but requires more work to prepare . Since it cannot be sterilized , powdered formula is not recommended for sick or immune-compromised infants .
Preparing Bottles
• Read the instructions on the formula container .
• Wash your hands .
• Use sterile bottles and utensils ( see back ).
• Ready-made formula may be poured directly into the bottle .
• Mix powdered or concentrate formula with sterile bottled water , or use water that has been heated to a minimum of 158 ° F / 70 ° C .
• Always be sure to test the temperature of the bottle before feeding it to your baby .
Feeding Tips
It is helpful to develop a routine for making bottles , feeding baby and cleaning up . Keep these tips in mind :
• Carefully read the serving suggestions and mixing guidelines on the package before feeding your baby .
• It is best to prepare each bottle just before feeding so that it is as fresh as possible . It is also an option to pre-make bottles and refrigerate them for up to 24 hours . Bottles may be given to baby cold . Do not heat formula in the microwave .
• Containers of liquid formula should always be refrigerated after they have been opened and used within 48 hours .
• Throw away prepared formula that is sitting out after one hour .
• Discard formula left in the bottle after feeding .
• Contact your baby ’ s doctor with feeding concerns or questions .
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