Crestwood Environmental Autumn 2013 Newsletter 2013 | Page 2

Crestwood Autumn 2013 Newsletter environmental New Staff Members Crestwood Environmental Ltd (CEL) are happy to announce new team members who have recently joined us: Danen Appasamy joined CEL in October 2013 as an Environmental Scientist. He holds a Bsc Degree with Honours in environmental management & geography and a PhD in environmental management & remediation. He has joined CEL as part of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership in collaboration with the University of Wolverhampton on a project dealing with modelling of odours and bioaerosols. Prior to joining the team, he was appointed by the Canal & River Trust to assist the national water quality scientist and the environmental team in their daily work, including collating and analysing data and writing reports. He has also worked as an advisor to the Ministry of environment in Mauritius where he helped set up a GIS team and produced a national hazardous material spill contingency plan by cabinet request. He also has experience in lecturing both at undergraduate and postgraduate level in a wide range of subjects ranging from soil science to environmental forensics and ecotoxicology. His PhD research investigated the physical and geo-chemical characterisation of dredged canal sediments and their potential remediation using zeolites. Dan is currently working on bioaerosols sampling and analysis and on odour modelling. He aims to join the Institution of Environmental Sciences and the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Sciences this year and aiming to achieve C.Env status in the near future. CEL is proud to be a part of the STEP program, launched by the University of Wolverhampton earlier this year. STEP provides short-term professional work experience programs for university students / recent graduates. After our previous positive experience working with the program we have taken on 2 new team members: Xia Liu (Sheldon) joined CEL through the STEP Programme as a CAD and Visualisation Technician. He holds a BArch in Architectural Design from Shenzhen University before completing a Masters in CAD and Construction at the University of Wolverhampton. Sheldon worked as an Architect/Architectural Assistant for 3 years at SADI (Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research) and has experience working on a variety of architectural projects, particularly in residential development. Sarah Harris has also CEL through the STEP program as an Assistant Landscape Architect after graduating from the University of Sheffield. She holds a BA with Honours in Landscape Architecture with Planning and is looking forward to gaining experience with a focus on Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments in the profession before working towards a Masters in Landscape Architecture and taking the Pathway to Chartership with the Landscape Institute. Previously, Sarah has gained experience working at the Greater London Authority assisting with the Mayor’s Pocket Parks and Greenstreets schemes. T: +44 (0)1902 824037 F: +44 (0)1902 824036 E: [email protected] W: