Creature Companion - Interzoo Special September 2019 | Page 36

Pawssion For Pets - Industry Careers LACK OF VARIETY AND NUTRIENT RICH FOOD FOR DOGS MOTIVATED ME TO CONCEPTUALISE FRESH FOR PAWS By Srishti Bhatia* I t all started in 2016. I was in the middle of my Company Secretary training, post my graduation in Commerce from Delhi University. But to be honest my heart was not in it. I was keen to do something of my own. Th en one day I took my Pet dog Vanilla to a dog show and the idea of starting something related to the pet industry struck me. I then started researching on diff erent avenues in the petcare market and selected the dog food business aft er comprehensive research.   Th e Pet Industry in India is rapidly growing and pet owners are now increasingly looking to give the best possible facilities to their furry babies. Th ey are also becoming aware about what is right and what is wrong for their pets in areas of food, nutrition, health and hygiene. Pet Food comprises of a really big segment of the Pet Industry. Th e pet food industry in India shows huge potential and is expected to double in size in the next fi ve years. It has already grown by 8 percent from the last year. Pets especially dogs have been an integral part of my family’s lives from the day our pet, Labrador Vanilla came home. As both Vanilla and I grew older, I realised that there is not much variety and nutrient rich food available for dogs in the market. Even as everyone at home grew increasingly health conscious and took care of their food habits, as a pet parent my major concern was that Vanilla should also get the right diet. She became the sole motivation for me to create recipes that are healthy and yummy and that is how Fresh For Paws came into being. 36 Creature Companion | September 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 9 • Noida