Creature Companion - Interzoo Special September 2019 | Page 35

killed or relocated. All municipal bodies must sterilise and vaccinate dogs and leave them in their original surroundings. However, none of the government departments work properly. Hence, as a caregiver, the Foundation has to step in and do the job which is originally meant for these government agencies.  Th e Karan Puri Foundation takes care of all medical needs of these stray dogs. As there no government hospitals for stray animals in the city, the dogs are taken for treatment to Neeti Bagh Pet Clinic, a private veterinary clinic in South Delhi. Th e organisation tries to treat the dogs on the spot, but in case a dog requires boarding they send it to private boarding centres. Despite having laws in place, Divya and her associates fi nd it extremely tough at times to feed these stray animals. Humans stop them from feeding quite frequently and start fi ghting with them for looking aft er these poor creatures. In many instances, the foundation has to resort to police intervention in order to continue their feeding programme without any issues. Th ey also feed during the night so that there is less human population around and consequently lesser chance of confl icts. Th e aim of the Foundation is to start a food van so that the strays of Delhi can get a clean and fresh meal every day Apart from looking aft er the stray population, the NGO also deals with cases where house pets are abandoned when the owners can’t look aft er them. Th e organisation has found many abandoned breed dogs on capital’s streets. Th ey pick these creatures and try to rehabilitate them by fi nding a nice loving home for them. Divya herself has adopted 6 dogs from the street. Two have passed away due to old age, but the remaining four still enrich her life with their pure and unconditional love. Th e aim of the Foundation is to start a food van so that the strays of Delhi can get a clean and fresh meal every day. Th ey also aim to open up an old age home for these stray animals so that they can spend their last days in peace without hunting for food and water every day and get the requisite medical attention. Th e Karan Puri Foundation has recently been facilitated by IIPTF with the Indian Pet Industry Award 2019 for the NGO of the Year. * Divya Puri is the Founder of Karan Puri Foundation and a dedicated dog lover. September 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 9 • Noida 35 | Creature Companion