Creative, Active, Responsible Students in the Digital World 1 | Page 40

CO-FUNDED BY THE ERASMUS + PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 2 nd May – second day of activities In the morning, we were greeted by the school headmistress, school teachers and students. Ludmila has said a few words about their school and briefly presented the educational system in Czech Republic. The school choir sang some traditional Czech songs. Next, we were given a tour of the school and we could also enter in some of the classrooms to greet the students and teachers. After the tour, we were grouped again in international teams and assisted some very interactive presentations that students and teachers have prepared for us of different Czech traditions. Before lunch, the members of the Students’ Parliament have organized some activities for the guest students, where they played and danced together, having a wonderful time. After lunch, we were invited to the Art School to enjoy the concert of the students. It was a short concert of the students playing different musical instruments, just enough to get an insight into the activities the Art School usually does. 3 rd May – third day of activities Cultural visit to Prague. The host have prepared us beforehand descriptions and photos of the places we were going to visit. Fortunately, the weather was also nice, so we had all the reasons to enjoy the beautiful city, Prague. Some of the things we visited: Prague CREATIVE, ACTIVE, RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS IN THE DIGITAL WORLD 39