Creative, Active, Responsible Students in the Digital World 1 | Page 39

CO-FUNDED BY THE ERASMUS + PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Chapter 6: Learning, Teaching, Training Activities C1: Blended mobility of learners Place: Zamberk, Czech Republic Date: 30 April – 06 May 2017 30 th April 2017 – Arrival Day / 6 th May 2017 – Departure Day 1 st May – first day of activities We were welcomed at school by Ludmila and Regina and their students. They have prepared for us name tags of different colours, each colour representing an international group. We were guided in our walk by the local students to get to know the town and its history. We had the task to take photos and complete the quest about the town. There were questions about different statues, buildings, institutions and the town itself. At the end of the tour and the quest we were waited by Ludmila in the town square and all participants were rewarded with candies. We had lunch together at the restaurant. In the afternoon, we were invited to watch the activities and the show which the town has prepared to celebrate the day of 1 st May. There were modern dances, drama performances, concert, singers. At the parade, we could also see the students from Základní škola Žamberk, 28. Října 581, Czech Republic, who presented their costumes they have created of recycled materials. CREATIVE, ACTIVE, RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS IN THE DIGITAL WORLD 38