Creative, Active, Responsible Students in the Digital World 1 | Page 38

CO-FUNDED BY THE ERASMUS + PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Chapter 5: eTwinning activities in our project The synergy between Erasmus+ and eTwinning is very important. It is necessary in communication and collaboration between pupils, schools, countries. eTwinning – the base of cooperation, communication and dissemination All activities, instructions, materials, results, dissemination activities are shared on the TwinSpace. There are public pages available to everyone, for each main activity: Dissemination, Partners, About the project, Activities (timeline for the 1 st year), Activities (Timeline for the 2 nd year), Survey results, Common activities, Creative recycling activities, Educational articles, Transnational Project Meetings and Learning/Teaching/Training Activities. The eTwinning project “Creativity in the Digital Age” -was founded by Eleni Androulaki (GR) and Ayten Geyhan Akyildiz (TR). Teachers and students were added to Twinspace for communication and collaboration. We used FORUM for communication, where students could cooperate in a safe place with each other. CREATIVE, ACTIVE, RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS IN THE DIGITAL WORLD 37