Creative, Active, Responsible Students in the Digital World 1 | Page 4

CO-FUNDED BY THE ERASMUS + PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN UNION of their involvement for a successful school life of their children, offering ways of spending time with their children and raising their awareness on the positive and negative sides of the digital world. The aim of the creative recycling workshops is to foster students’ creativity, develop their ability to turn ideas into action, turn them into a more responsible, global citizen. As many of our students are facing economic obstacles, these workshops are a good way to teach them, that they don’t always need money to have new things. With little effort and creativity, they can make themselves the desired products from old materials. Our primary target group are students aged 10-14, their teachers and parents from the participating organizations. We will extend our impact as we are going to organize workshops and fairs for the local community, publish and make available all our materials and outcomes, as other interested teachers, students, parents, educational organizations to have access to them and use them in their work. For the implementation of the project we will follow the timeline of the project, in which the activities are planned and described in details for each month with requested outputs, tasks and responsibilities and dissemination methods: spreading information about the project, visibility of the project in schools, creating the website/blog, Facebook page, YouTube channel, project-based collaboration on eTwinning with activities for students and teachers, virtual collaboration, logo creation, professional development of teachers through research, individual study, collaboration, team-teaching, implementing in schools the new teaching methods, observing the changes they have produced in students attitude and motivation for learning, monitoring and evaluating the activities and results through questionnaires, surveys, observations, interviews, personal stories, analysing and comparing results, writing reports, creative recycling workshops, involving parents and local community in activities, organizing a fair for charity reasons, seminars and support group for parents, transnational learning, teaching activities, transnational project meetings, virtual review meetings, dissemination activities, editing the Handbook with all our activities, launching the printed version and the digital online version, closing the project, working on the sustainability of the project. The main outcomes of the project will be a printed and online Handbook with all the activities, online channels (Facebook page, website, YouTube channel, Twin space), which will be all made available and open to public to access and use them. Students will have acquired the relevant knowledge concerning up cycling and embody it in their everyday life, cooperated with peers from other parts of the world and realized that they can effectively work and communicate with people outside their narrow borders, enriched their knowledge on different countries, their cultures, ways of life, customs, traditions, languages and thus bridge any difference might occur, boosted their creativity and realized that attending school can be so much more than just learning by heart, will have developed basic skills of maths, science and literacy, foreign language and digital skills. Collaboration and cooperation among partners will continue in sharing good practice. CREATIVE, ACTIVE, RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS IN THE DIGITAL WORLD 3