Creative, Active, Responsible Students in the Digital World 1 | Page 5

CO-FUNDED BY THE ERASMUS + PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Chapter 1: Educational Articles by the Teachers Involved in the Project INTEGRATING DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THE CLASSROOM Liceul Tehnologic “Octavian Goga” Jibou, Romania By Melinda Nagy School work and learning in formal teaching contexts may be regarded by many pupils as irrelevant to their lives. Many pupils start to become reluctant to learn and adopt disruptive behaviour in the classroom or drop out school. This has been an issue European, national and local authorities are concerned about. The goal of this project is to make the learning process more motivating, by reaching out the different learning styles and by engaging them in the learning process in a way that is both appealing and nonthreatening. Obviously, images have great impact on how society views a subject, so it makes sense that they can make an impact in the classroom, too. By using a digital camera, teachers can take advantage of the new technology and integrate photography into their daily teaching. Schools have a vital role in teaching both visual and linguistic literacy. In an increasingly image-driven society, developing visual literacy is indispensable. Digital cameras are tools that can help students develop that competency. When digital cameras are used in the classroom, it is important that the students are not simply taking photographs, but are enthusiastically using the photographs for purposeful knowledge which allows for engagement and active learning. Ways of using digital photography in classroom: 1. Assign pairs of students to go on a walk through the school to find examples of geometric shapes and take photos (circles, triangles, parallel lines, obtuse angles etc.) Or even better, they search for people wearing geometric shapes, as photographs with people are always more engaging. 2. Create a “School Rules” or “Class Rules” book complete with illustrations of acceptable behaviours with students posing in appropriate activities. CREATIVE, ACTIVE, RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS IN THE DIGITAL WORLD 4