Creative, Active, Responsible Students in the Digital World 1 | Page 11

CO-FUNDED BY THE ERASMUS + PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 4. Interaction with Other Groups 5. Activities in the team 6. Evaluation The Benefits of Teaching Based on Peer Cooperation can be summarized as follows. (Saban, 2005) 1. Collaborative learning develops confidence, attitude and interest in the student with increasing academic success. 2. Ensure that students are responsible for their own learning and increase their motivation. 3. Collaborative learning improves social skills of students. It helps to develop appropriate transferable skills for listening, empathy, compromise, leadership, and social situations that may be faced in the future. 4. Collaborative learning enables students to develop positive feelings towards each other. Self-confidence and verbal communication skills. 5. It is a powerful system that supports creativity. 6. Ensures that different ethnic groups, majority and minorities, women and men work together. 7. Students learn to be respectful, tolerant, and discussing the ideas of others. In short, it gains a habit of living democratically. CREATIVE, ACTIVE, RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS IN THE DIGITAL WORLD 10