Creative, Active, Responsible Students in the Digital World 1 | Page 12

CO-FUNDED BY THE ERASMUS + PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Table 1. Differences between collaborative and traditional (cluster) learning groups Collaborative learning groups Traditional (Cluster) groups 1. Collaborative Learning groups, group 1. Group members in the cluster study members is based on positive addiction to members are not dependent each other and each other. The objectives are organized there is no positive addiction that all group members own qualifications 2. Collaborative Learning groups have a clear an individual responsibility. This responsibility is about assessed and related material. Students give feedback each other about their works so group members know who will be helped and who will be motive 2. In cluster study, There is no responsibility for the group. The person is against him 3. In collaborative learning groups, Talent and personality traits are heterogeneous 3. In cluster study, groups are homogeneous. Ability and social skills are not considered 4. In Collaborative learning groups share leadership responsibilities for performing their activities in the elements group. Another Say shared leadership is the word 4. In traditional learning groups, there is only one leader is assigned and remains unchanged. It obstructs another member to be a leader 5. In cooperative learning groups, 5. In traditional learning groups, They don’t feel responsible themselves learning 6. Social skills taught directly in collaborative learning. These are honesty, resolution of communication..etc. 6. In cluster runs, these values are often are formatted incorrectly 7. In collaborative learning, Teacher groups observe and solve all kinds of problems together searched 7. In cluster studies, teacher Instead of observation do everything itself. Namely teacher works instead of student CREATIVE, ACTIVE, RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS IN THE DIGITAL WORLD 11