Creative, Active, Responsible Students in the Digital World 1 | Page 10

CO-FUNDED BY THE ERASMUS + PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN UNION COLLABORATIVE & PEER-LEARNING by Ayten Geyhan Akyıldız GENERAL KEMAL BALIKESIR ORTAOKULU Peer collaboration is a type of learning that is provided by students working together for a common purpose. (Berk 1997) It is the basis of this learning that children who have different abilities during collaborative work are helped each other. There are important experiences such as helping and getting help during co-operation and being aware of the group unity it is in so that they will be able to demonstrate their own opinions and skills in their everyday life as well as be able to work by supporting others’ ideas. The most important feature of collaborative learning is that students work by helping each other , learn in small groups for a common purpose. It is a method in which collaborators are active in all processes. There is evidence that peer co-operation leads to greater success in traditional teaching in teaching (Fuchs, Mathes and Simmons, 1997). The students help to ask the questions they are afraid to ask in the classroom environment and to encourage their friends to cooperate more to diversify the course structure. In addition, while the teacher uses common language in traditional teaching, he uses a personal, personalized style for cooperative learning. And it makes sense easier. Peers, in this process, not only learn but also have the chance to meet in different activities with common pleasure such as sports, music and art. Application of Cooperative Learning Application steps: 1. Creation of Teams 2. Warming Activities 3. Subject and task distribution in teams CREATIVE, ACTIVE, RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS IN THE DIGITAL WORLD 9