Miniature Doll
What you need : Small amount of white or cream felt, Christmas
ribbon, small amount of yellow wool, gold elastic cord, small amount
of stuffing, embroidery thread or coloured pencils (for facial
With the felt doubled, draw around the doll template; this is your
sewing line. Cut around the pattern about ½ an inch from the sewing
line. Make a small cut in the back of one of the pieces.
Sew all around the sewing line. Turn the right way through the cut at
the back. Stuff the doll and then over sew the cut. Tie some cotton
very tightly round the neck to define the head. Tie again a small way
up the leg to form the feet and a short way up the arm to form the
hand. Add facial feature to the face with either embroidery thread
of colouring pencils. Wrap some yellow wool around three fingers
about 12 times. Tie a piece of wool around the middle and place on
the head. Sew into place catch in place at the lower part of the head
too. Now using a piece of gold elastic cord tie around the hair to
form bunches. Snip the hair to the desired length. To make the
clothes cut two pieces of Christmas ribbon 10cm longs and 8cm long.
Cut a small hole in the middle of the 8cm ribbon and insert over the
head of the doll to represent the top of the dress. Sew the two ends
of the 10cm ribbon together. Make a running stitch all along the top.
Place skirt onto doll insuring the top is inside. Pull up the stitches
and gather the skirt until it fits the doll then secure with a few
stitches. Tie a piece of gold thread around the waist. If you are
using the doll to hang on a tree add a small hoop at the back of the
head out of gold elastic cord.