CRA Today Winter Issue 2024 | Page 31

Each participant promotes the event . Susan supplies them with flyers or a link to their website and encourages them to invite at least 20 people . She says if only 10 of the people they invite show up , that ’ s 100 people , plus regular customers who attend the events and walk-ins .
Susan says the events are like a family reunion — very busy and a lot of fellowship . “ At the end of the day , all we can do is sit and praise God ,” she says .
Although other events charge a table fee , there is no cost for the exhibitors to participate . “ I just can ’ t get in the way of God ’ s work ,” Susan explains .
Susan and her husband even provide a small breakfast while everyone is setting up , lunch for all ( even shoppers ) during the event , and water , coffee and soft drinks throughout the event . They have a box for grace giving , but they don ’ t keep track of whether or not someone gives .
Author Karen Whiting lives an hour away from FromMyLibrary2URS , but she met Sam and Susan at CPE in Lexington . Sam invited her to attend one of their events , and Karen , who likes to support independent Christian retailers , thought it sounded fun . During the event , Karen networked with other authors and vendors , shopped a little and sold books . She also mentored a young , new writer . Karen says there was a joyful spirit of camaraderie in the store . continued on page 32 >>
www . christianretailassociation . org / CRA today 31