Apply and share
Reflecting on your learning will help you to develop your self-awareness and critical thinking and it will improve communication of ideas .
It can be easy to overlook learning that happens within the work-place . This might be because it is not part of a structured learning activity , or the learning gets lost in the business of day-to-day activity .
Regular reflection creates the space for you to think about what you have done during the day , or how you have carried out a particular task or activity . Doing this enables you to identify what knowledge , skills or behaviours you have learned or developed as a result .
Things to think about may include - Has the development activity been useful ? Is any of the learning applicable to your role ? Are there actions that you can take or have you gained a better understanding that perhaps doesn ’ t require immediate change or action but will help you to understand the implications of your actions .
There are many reflective models that you can use to structure your reflection . See the CPD pack on the CIRO Members ’ Portal .
Apply and share
Consider whether you can implement any changes or strengthen any existing processes . Who will this impact ? Yourself or your team , or perhaps the wider organisation or railway system ?
How can you share your learning with others ? What format will this take ?
www . ciro . org CIRO Continuing Professional Development Guide v . 2