CPD Guide 2023 | Page 8



Development activities can be structured or unstructured and can vary widely in the time and resources needed . Some activities you can do by yourself such as reading , and some require external input .


Development Activities : Structured :
» Qualifications
» Short courses
» Seminars
» Events
» Workshops
» Conferences
» Services on committees etc .
» Authorship
» Preparing lectures
» Mentoring
Unstructured :
» On the job research
» Experience of new processes / technologies
» Reading of books , journals , and professional magazines
» Experience in the workplace
» Interviewing
» Shadowing
There are many resources that you can use as a CIRO member to assist with your CPD , such as webinars , events and handbooks . Many of these resources are available via the CIRO Members ’ Portal so that it is easy for you to find .
www . ciro . org CIRO Continuing Professional Development Guide v . 2