COVERED Edition 3 Ramadaan & Eid Special | Page 25

Healthy Eating With A Twist By Fatima Bulbulia W hen Shazia Gaffar found that her exercise routine, which included quite a bit of running, was not providing her with the results she hoped for, she knew something needed to change. Enter Mandy Saks, nutritionist. Through trial and error and a good dose of experience, Mandy pioneered her eating plan that is designed to fuel the body, giving it the nutrition it needs, rather than starving it. The birth of Shazeats#Mandysway, has resulted in a vibrant program that encompasses a variety of components. Included in this, are recipes for tried and tested dishes that are tweaked by Shazia, giving them a healthy component, without sacrificing taste. She has also invented numerous recipes of her own. For Ramadhaan 2018, Shazeats#Mandysway will be providing a balanced plan that allows for traditional treats and dishes, just with a twist. Shazia put #Mandysway to the test and saw incredible results in both her running form and toning. This was the beginning of a partnership that saw Shazia, a passionate foodie, begin to develop her own recipes based on #Mandysway . To maintain a balanced and nutritious diet, a person should consume food from all the major food groups, equally distributed between the two meal times. As she states, ‘It is possible through the plan to eat well and still lose weight, tone and fuel your body, without depriving it of good, tasty and wholesome food.’ -Fruits and vegetables -Breads, cereals, and potatoes -Meat, fish and chicken -Dairy products such as milk and cheese -Foods containing fat and sugar The major food groups are: Fibre is essential to prevent constipation, control blood-sugar levels, reduce high cholesterol levels and increase satiety levels. If you haven't been eating a fibre-rich diet, it's not a good idea to go big on it when you've already started fasting - it could result in bloating or (ironically) constipation. Healthy alternatives don’t always have to be boring and lack flavour. You can be just as creative with healthy items as you usually would be with unhealthy items. On Shazeats#Mandysway eating plan, we provide recipes to make life easier for you. The recipes give you better options as well as ideas when preparing healthy meals through the entire month of fasting. 25