Additional Fees: Some classes will require outside projects for which parents will provide the
necessary supplies. Classroom teachers will communicate this to you.
1 credit year long
Grades 10 - 12
This course provides an understanding of the basic elements and concepts of double entry accounting.
Activities include the accounting equation, the accounting cycle, journalizing transactions, generating
financial reports, paying taxes, and so on. We also have a unit where we will discuss Accounting
crimes and fraud in big corporations.
Prerequisite: Basic Math Skills
Communications-Retro and
1/2 credit semester
Grades 9 - 12
This semester course will look at a number of communications media. Students will develop and
publish a community-wide newspaper as well as an electronic version. Students will be exposed to
other forms of communication tools used to inform community members as well as others in our
educational setting. We also expect to see as pod cast or two. Students may enroll for more than one
Introduction to Business
1 credit year long
Grades 9 - 12
This course is designed to provide a background in all areas of business ranging from marketing to ecommerce to international business to management and entrepreneurship. This course will incorporate
a lot of hands-on in-class activities to give students the feel of what it is like to be a part of business.
This course is a good start for those students who want to have hi ?\???][??[?H?\?[?\?????[?XZ?HH??[?^K?H??\??H\?\?Y?Y??]H??[?????YYY??[Y??\?[?\\???\?[?\???S?T??[???X?[??Y?][????\B???H?Y]?[Y\?\????Y\?HHL???[?\???\??H?Y[???[^?HY?][???\H[??[]YX?????Y\??Y[???[?B??]?[?\??Y?Y?XY[???[??][????[?H\??Y???X?H????\?X?\]H[??\??\??\??[????]\?[?\??[?H\?X?[???\X[[?[?]X?[?\?X?\?\?X???H[X???X?YYXK??[\\?\??[?HX?Y?H?Y[???]?[?Y[??[?[?\??[?[???H]??][??[?B?[?H\????X]Y?]\????\H[?[X???X?[XY?[???Y[???[?H[???X?Y?B??\?X?X?????H?X?\??\?H??H??X?[??Z\?????Y[???[?H^X?Y?[[???]B?[?X?[]H?\?HH?????\][?H[?H??X?[??Z\???????]?\?H??X?[?[??[?[\?\??^?\??]?H[??Y??[???\?HXZ[???X?]?H?\???\??K????\H\?B??\?[?\??