Courier January Courier | Page 6

NTA President
Pam Inman pam . inman @ ntastaff . com
Editor Bob Rouse bob . rouse @ ntastaff . com Senior Writer Pat Henderson pat . henderson @ ntaservicesinc . com Writer Gabe Webb gabe . webb @ ntaservicesinc . com
Contributors Mark Brown , Ellaine Deeken , Catherine Heeg , Pam Inman , Anna Pantazakos , Anna Pettus , The Signal Group
Graphic Design Jeff Quire
President , NTA Services Inc . Kami Risk kami . risk @ ntaservicesinc . com Account Executive / Eastern U . S . & International Beth Engel beth . engel @ ntaservicesinc . com Account Executive / Western U . S . Kelley Burchell kelley . burchell @ ntaservicesinc . com Account Executive / Central U . S . & Canada Bond Milburn bond . milburn @ ntaservicesinc . com Production Manager Ashley Fish ashley . fish @ ntaservicesinc . com Billing Inquiries Mary Catherine Dorsett marycatherine . dorsett @ ntaservicesinc . com
The 2017 editorial calendar can be found at NTAonline . com / advertising . Members are encouraged to submit tour product information or editorial queries to bob . rouse @ ntastaff . com . For advertising information , please call + 1.859.264.6559 .
MARCH ISSUE Destinations Four Corners U . S . ( Arizona , Colorado , New Mexico , Utah ); Ontario , Québec and Niagara Falls ( Canada & U . S .); Egypt , Israel and Jordan
City Spotlight : New York City
Special Coverage Historical Homes and Gardens
Space Deadline Jan . 6 Material Deadline Jan . 17
January 2017 | Volume 44 , Issue 1
APRIL / MAY ISSUE Destinations Midwest U . S . ( Iowa , Kansas , Nebraska , Missouri ); West South Central U . S . ( Arkansas , Oklahoma , Texas ); Africa ; Mexico
City Spotlight : Boston
Special Coverage Faith-based Travel Travel Exchange ’ 17 Recap Guide : Restaurants
Space Deadline Feb . 3 Material Deadline Feb . 13
Executive Committee
Chairman Justin Osbon Image Tours justin @ imagetours . com
Vice Chair Jay Smith Sports Travel and Tours jay @ sportstravelandtours . com
Secretary J . Chris Babb The Group Tour Company chris @ grouptourcompany . com
Immediate Past Chair Jorge Cazenave Cazenave Argentina jorge @ cazenaveargentina . com
DMO Director Frances Manzitto Visit Clarksville frances @ clarksville . tn . us
Tour Supplier Director Jim Magrath Delta Air Lines Inc . jim . magrath @ delta . com
Jodi Danyluk Norwegian Cruise Line jdanyluk @ ncl . com
Kelly Dean Ottawa Tourism kdean @ ottawatourism . ca
Misha Jovanovic Misha Tours misha @ mishatours . com
Paul Larsen Ed-Ventures Inc . pcl @ ed-ventures . com
Dennis McDonnell Alaska Coach Tours dennis @ alaskacoachtours . com
PUBLISHED BY NTA SERVICES , INC . Email : kami . risk @ ntaservicesinc . com
COURIER ( USPS 602270 , ISSN 0279-4489 )( Vol . 44 , Issue 1 ) published 10 times a year by NTA Services , Inc ., 101 Prosperous Place , Suite 350 , Lexington , KY 40509 . Periodicals Postage Paid at Lexington , Kentucky , and additional mailing offices . Subscription rate is $ 60 per year . POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Courier , 101 Prosperous Place , Suite 350 , Lexington , KY 40509 .
COURIER is the official licensed publication of NTA ® , an international trade association of the packaged travel industry . Copyright © 2017 , NTA Services , Inc . All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrieval system , or transmitted in any way or by any means , electrical , mechanical , photocopying , recording or otherwise , without written permission of Courier , except for quotations made for purposes of a review . All inquiries should be sent to Courier magazine , 101 Prosperous Place , Suite 350 , Lexington , KY 40509 , + 1.859.264.6559 . Additional subscriptions can be purchased by calling + 1.859.264.6559 . Printed in USA .
Advertising rates are available upon request . For a change of address , subscribers may notify Courier directly , by email or letter .
COURIER ’ S MISSION STATEMENT Courier aims to facilitate member-to-member partnering by spotlighting member product and destinations worldwide , to provide information on current industry trends and issues and to inform members about NTA initiatives , events and benefits .
Courier is printed on 100 % recyclable material
David Penilton America ’ s Hub World Tours david . penilton @ hubworldtravel . com
Anbritt Stengele Sports Traveler LLC acs @ sportstraveler . net
Jim Warren Anderson Vacations jwarren @ andersonvacations . ca
Directors at Large
Dan Flores Maverick Aviation Group dflores @ flymaverick . com
Carrie Whitley Colorado Tourism Office info @ tourcolorado . org
Tracie Wingo Globus twingo @ globusfamily . com
2 January 2017