Courier January Courier | Page 5

VISITSCOTLAND January 2017 Hear! Hear! The pipes are calling: Traditional music, highland games, unique food and a festive spirit await visitors to Scotland. Turn to page 26 to see Edinburgh in the City Spotlight and page 68 to read more about the U.K. and Ireland. Features Compass Arizona Product Development Trip 24 56 West U.S. Viva Arts Vegas All along the Oregon coast On her first product development trip, NTA Marketing Coordinator Anna Pettus joined a group of tour operators for her first visit to Arizona. Read why it won’t be her last. Northwest Trek, worth the trek (Jack) London calling in Oakland Making tracks in Alaska NTA members shine in the Emerald City Glacier exploration by foot, by boat and by train Who could sleep here?! 68 City Spotlight: Edinburgh 26 Ancient and medieval history meet vibrant, contemporary festivals in Scotland’s capital. Ireland and the United Kingdom The inside scoop on Scotland’s ‘Outlander’ sites Irish I were in Ireland Explore Britain with Explore Britain Tours Travel Exchange ’17 Preview 30 Before you “Meet Me in St. Louis,” you’ll want to get details about appointments, seminars, evening events, sightseeing and other activities. 1