County Commission | The Magazine November 2019 | Page 13

FROM THE COVER Ivey’s Outstanding Contribution to County Government In accordance with tradition, ACCA presented a plaque to Gov. Kay Ivey in recognition of her outstanding contribution to county government. In addition, because passage of the Rebuild Alabama Act required an extraordinary team effort, she also received a special baseball jersey bearing number 19 to represent the year the law was enacted. (Photo: Governor’s Office) A CCA bestowed its highest honor on Gov. Kay Ivey this year, recognizing her dedication to boost investment in Alabama’s county roads and bridges. The governor accepted the Outstanding Contribution to County Government Award at ACCA’s 2019 Annual Convention in August, and she received a standing ovation from the County Family. In 2019, Ivey was out front, rallying support for a gas tax increase and calling the Alabama Legislature into special session to focus on the issue. In March, she signed the Rebuild Alabama Act into law. But to appreciate the magnitude of Ivey’s contribution, it is necessary to look back to 2017, said ACCA Executive Director Sonny Brasfield. That was an eventful time for Ivey, who began the year as Alabama’s lieutenant governor. That spring, then-Gov. Robert Bentley was removed from office and Ivey stepped up to become Alabama’s chief executive. At the same time, ACCA was advocating for a gas tax increase, a forerunner of the Rebuild Alabama Act. Outstanding Contribution to County Government 2019 presented to Gov. Kay Ivey “Our original bill was slated to be on the floor of the House of Representatives three weeks and a day after Kay Ivey was sworn in as Alabama’s governor,” Brasfield said. “She was at the Statehouse, with her staff, advocating for the bill as soon as she came into office.” Ivey demonstrated genuine courage, he said. “She didn’t take any polls. She didn’t try to find out what COUNTY COMMISSION | 13