County Commission | The Magazine November 2019 | Page 12

NEWS YOU CAN USE the Rebuild Alabama Act will provide county road maintenance budgets their first increase in nearly 30 years and help point counties back in the right direction toward a recommended 15-year road resurfacing cycle and 50-year bridge replacement cycle. According to an ACCA infrastructure report released earlier this year — prior to anticipated Rebuild Alabama funds — county governments had reached a 114-year road resurfacing cycle and only had the funding to resurface 738 county road miles in 2020. Additionally, counties have 3,915 bridges over the age of 50 and in need of replacement and, in 2020, were going to be able to replace less than 34. County governments are responsible for maintaining 62% (60,487) of Alabama’s centerline road miles and more than 54% (8,661) of our state’s bridges. n @AlabamaCounties It takes 15+ hours behind the wheel & 1,000+ miles to drive from Montgomery to New York City. In 2020, that’s how many miles of road Ala. county governments plan to improve with the proceeds of the new fuel taxes being paid by motorists. #alpolitics October 8, 2019 Geneva County Jail Randolph County Jail Unmatched Govermental Experience In: Jails 911 / EMA Administrative Public Safety Interiors DOT CREATIVE | INTELLIGENT | DESIGN 12 | NOVEMBER 2019 334.420.5672