County Commission | The Magazine July 2019 | Page 4

President’s PERSPECTIVE I Hon. Tony Cherry President Reflecting on a Historic Year We Must Build upon Successes to Meet the Challenges Ahead 4 | JULY 2019 ’m not sure if you remember my remarks at our convention a year ago when you honored me with the opportunity to be president at what I believe will be remembered as a historic year in our Association’s history. On that night, I posed a challenge to each of you. Now, as my time as president is quickly coming to an end, challenges remain for all of us and for this organization — if you will, I ask that you join me in a continuing commitment to make our state an even better place. It’s been an incredible honor and privilege to serve as your president this year, a year that’s quickly coming to an end. I can honestly say the year has flown by, as many past presidents promised me it would. Over the past 12 months, we’ve celebrated 90 years of Alabama counties working together, and we’ve welcomed 64 newly elected commission members into the County Family. Our Association office moved — one door down and seven stories up from our longtime home — into quarters that better enable our membership and staff to carry out the vital work of ONE Voice. We also launched County Risk Services Inc. to handle the day-to-day administration of our successful insurance programs. And as if the year couldn’t get any more exciting for our 67 Counties, the Legislature passed and Gov. Kay Ivey signed into law seven of our policy priorities, including the Rebuild Alabama Act — which is the first new, recurring revenue for county infrastructure in nearly 30 years. Without a doubt, I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished. But at the same time, I’m humbled after witnessing how 90 years of counties working together, combined with the extraordinary efforts of the past 12 months, have set into motion a better future for decades to come in all 67 counties. Perhaps the most meaningful part of being president of this organization is the opportunity it provides to represent each of you. To stand in Montgomery and say I am here on behalf of the men and women in every county commission in Alabama has been an honor beyond words. Those days will remain some of the most rewarding opportunities of my public service career. During this year, I have also been struck by the influence and credibility of this organization. The ability of Alabama counties to speak with ONE Voice in such an influential way is the result of work and commitment from those who have stood in our shoes over the past 90 years. Continuing — and even expanding upon — that record of achievement rests on our individual commitment to work in a unified manner. Last August, we honored four former Association presidents that night who were leaving office, and I challenged everyone to find their own place of service to fill the void being left by their departures. You may not remember my exact words, but I do.