County Commission | The Magazine July 2019 | Page 5

And I have held on to those words for the past 12 months. After one of the most incredible years of my life, my hope for each of you is that you will be re-energized by our successes and that you will be more dedicated to ensuring that we do not give up one inch of what has been accomplished. As we gather for the 91st Convention next month, it’s my hope that we will stay humble. I’m as proud of our wins as anybody, but there are other issues and dangers just over the horizon. If I ride off into that sunset, put my feet up on my desk and rest — the accomplishments of this year will soon be lost. We’ve got to turn the Rebuild Alabama Act from a piece of paper into resurfaced roads and new bridges, Biggest Wins for Alabama Counties | 2018-2019 v REBUILD ALABAMA ACT v Improving County Infrastructure through Increased Fuel Taxes v COUNTY RISK SERVICES, INC. v Enhancing Insurance Services for Fund Members v 2 NORTH JACKSON STREET v Upgrading Facilities to Better Serve County Needs © Can Stock Photo / 3dfoto and we’ve got to show taxpayers that their money is well spent. Clearly, our state’s prison crisis touches every county budget in Alabama. The 2015 sentencing reforms have proven a heavy burden, with rising numbers of state inmates crowding county jails. The prison reforms on the horizon could make our situation at the local level even worse if the state’s responsibilities are further shifted onto counties. And there are many other issues that my friend David Money will confront during his year as president of this remarkable organization. I’m grateful that I have witnessed what counties can do when we speak with ONE Voice, and I’m grateful to know that we are capable of even more. Thank you for putting your trust in me. I will leave you with the words that began our journey together last August. There is certainly enough unfinished work to go around. If we are to have complete success, it will take all of us. n Architecture, Civil Engineering, Municipal Engineering, Community Planning, Environmental, Geotechnical, Landscape, Surveying, GIS, Airports and Transportation Goodwyn Mills Cawood COUNTY COMMISSION | 5