County Commission | The Magazine July 2019 | Page 3
in this
from the cover...
Refocus: Each County’s Role in Combatting
the Opioid Crisis..................................................................9
Prison Crisis Spills Over into County Jails.........................13
Refocus: Optional Retirement Changes Ahead................17
ACCA’s 91st Annual Convention Agenda.........................19
Rebuild: Putting the Rebuild
Alabama Act into Motion...................................................20
Celebrating 50 Years of the County Agents Kitchen.........22
Building on Success: New Association Leadership
for 2019-2020....................................................................24
news you can use...
County Success on Goat Hill............................................27
County officials and employees will converge on the Perdido Beach
Resort next month for ACCA’s 91st Annual Convention, centered on
the theme “Rebuild & Refocus Alabama.” Participants will be better
equipped to execute Rebuild Alabama Act projects, make a decision
on improved retirement benefits for county employees, respond
to the opioid crisis at the local level, maximize participation in the
2020 Census and advocate effectively for counties in the state’s
prison reform discussion.
(Photos: Contributed & © Kimberly Boyles, Cozine, Jeffrey Zalesny and
driftwood –
point of view...
President’s Perspective ..................................................4
Reflecting on a Historic Year
The County Line ...............................................................6
State Prison Gains Have Been Expensive Losses for Counties
in every issue...
Family Album...................................................................29
Voices from the County Family ....................................31
who we are...
COUNTY COMMISSION is published quarterly by the
Association of County Commissions of Alabama, Inc.; P.O. Box
5040; Montgomery, AL 36103. Subscription rates are $20 per
year, which is included in the dues of members. Additional
copies, when available, are $2 each to non-members.
Periodicals postage paid at Montgomery, Alabama.
Postmaster: Send address changes to COUNTY COMMISSION;
P.O. Box 5040; Montgomery, AL 36103. USPS 985-380
2018-19 ACCA Board of Directors....................................34
ACCA Staff.........................................................................34