Cottonwood Connections August 2021 | Page 3

Several things to consider when planning a summer prescribed burn:

One must have an objective and have the proper site conditions, such as appropriate amount of previous year’s vegetation that can carry the growing season burn.

The objectives, weather conditions, notifications, maps, and safety elements need to be built into the prescribed fire plan -- and followed. There are many online prescribed fire resources that outline a prescribed fire plan along with the conditions to adhere to.

Consider the current moisture level in the soil and the overall weather trend. It is good to have adequate soil moisture so the grasses will resprout and grow to provide cover for the winter months.

Fire breaks must be properly prepared.

Growing season burns can be a little more exhausting for individuals due to high daytime temperatures and humidity compared to dormant season burns. Take frequent breaks to cool down as needed. 

Add a little Humor to your day!!